Department of Computer Technology and Information Technology

About the Department

The department of Computer Technology and Information Technology was established in the year 2008 and later it was bifurcated from the department of PG computer Science into a separate one in the year 2009. The department is functioning with the aim of imparting quality education in the field of Information Technology.


  • To impart knowledge and skills to the students through training and research activities to make them as competent and renowned IT Professionals.


  • To update the technical changes among the students.
  • To train the Students to meet the Challenges in life.
  • To inculcate moral values among the Students.

Courses Offered

  • B.Sc. (Computer Technology)  3 years; Full Time
    • Eligibility

      A pass in +2 (Academic / Vocational Stream) conducted by the Government of Tamilnadu or any other examination accepted as Equivalent by the Syndicate of Bharathiar University.

  • B.Sc. (Information Technology)  3 years; Full Time
    • Eligibility

      A pass in +2 (Academic / Vocational Stream) conducted by the Government of Tamilnadu or any other examination accepted as Equivalent by the Syndicate of Bharathiar University.

  • Value Added Courses
    • The Art of C Programming
    • Social Media Marketing
  • The Department has produced Rank Holders and Gold Medalist in the University Examinations and also produced the Best Out Going Student, Priyanka Chand Gothia (2010-11) at the U.G. Level.
  • A team of well qualified, experienced faculty members organize various innovative programmes.
  • Well equipped and spacious class rooms providing a conducive environment for learning.
  • State - of- Art Computer Lab and Internet facilities.
  • Large collection of books at the Department Library.
  • Tutor guidance / counselling is provided to each student.
  • The CT IT Student Council is functioning to improve the various skills of the students.
  • Students are encouraged to present their papers in seminar/conferences and also encouraged to participate in co-curricular and extra-curricular activities.
  • The Department offers Value Added Courses.
  • Regular industrial visits are arranged.
  • Assists students to get placed in corporate companies.
  • The Department organizes an alumni meet 'REUNION' at regular intervals.

Specialization Datamining
Email Address
Blood Group A1 +ve
Experience Teaching: 21 Years Industrial: -
No. of M.Phil & Ph.Ds Produced M.Phil: 6 Ph.D:
Membership Life Member, Indian Science Congress
Life Member Erode District Consumer Protection Centre
Dr. S. Radhakrishnan Teacher's Welfare Association
ISO 9001:2015 certified auditor
State National International
No of Seminar/Workshops Organized 1 4 1
No of Seminar/Workshops/
Conference Attended
19 12 7
No of Papers Presented - 5 2
No of Funded Projects Undertaken - - -
No of Books Published - 2 -
Publications National Journals: - International Journals: 6
  1. Received the certificate of Excellence for the contribution of education from the Lions Club of Erode Metro in the year 2010
  2. Certificate of Excellence for the Best Performance in Youth Red Cross Movement by IRC, Tamil Nadu Branch for the academic year 2013-2014
  3. Best Teacher Award in the year 2013-2014, 2014-2015, 2016-2017

Specialization Datamining
Email Address
Blood Group O +ve
Experience Teaching: 20 Years Industrial:
No. of M.Phil & Ph.Ds Produced M.Phil: 5 Ph.D:
State National International
No of Seminar/Workshops Organized 2 3 1
No of Seminar/Workshops/
Conference Attended
5 25 2
No of Papers Presented 2 11 2
No of Funded Projects Undertaken
No of Books Published
Publications National Journals: International Journals: 18
  1. Certificate of Excellence Award from Lions Club of Erode Metro

Specialization Data Mining
Email Address
Blood Group B +ve
Experience Teaching: 15 Years Industrial: Years
No. of M.Phil & Ph.Ds Produced M.Phil: Ph.D:
Membership Erode District Consumer Protection Council
State National International
No of Seminar/Workshops Organized 1 1 -
No of Seminar/Workshops/
Conference Attended
5 4 3
No of Papers Presented 1 1 2
No of Funded Projects Undertaken
No of Books Published
Publications National Journals:1 International Journals:
    Certificate of Excellence Award from Lions Club of Erode Metro

Specialization Networking
Email Address
Blood Group A1 +ve
Experience Teaching: 14 Years Industrial:
No. of M.Phil & Ph.Ds Produced M.Phil: Ph.D:
State National International
No of Seminar/Workshops Organized - 2 1
No of Seminar/Workshops/
Conference Attended
4 4 7
No of Papers Presented 4 1 1
No of Funded Projects Undertaken
No of Books Published -
Publications National Journals: International Journals: 2

Specialization Data Mining
Email Address
Blood Group B +ve
Experience Teaching: 11 Years Industrial: Years
No. of M.Phil & Ph.Ds Produced M.Phil: Ph.D:
State National International
No of Seminar/Workshops Organized - 3 1
No of Seminar/Workshops/
Conference Attended
- 12 -
No of Papers Presented   4  
No of Funded Projects Undertaken
No of Books Published
Publications National Journals: International Journals: 5

Specialization Networks
Email Address
Blood Group O +ve
Experience Teaching: 19 Years Industrial:
No. of M.Phil & Ph.Ds Produced M.Phil: Ph.D:
State National International
No of Seminar/Workshops Organized - 2 1
No of Seminar/Workshops/
Conference Attended
15 1 -
No of Papers Presented 1 1 1
No of Funded Projects Undertaken
No of Books Published
Publications National Journals: International Journals:

Specialization Data Mining
Email Address
Blood Group B +ve
Experience Teaching: 12 Years Industrial:
No. of M.Phil & Ph.Ds Produced M.Phil: Ph.D:
State National International
No of Seminar/Workshops Organized - 2 1
No of Seminar/Workshops/
Conference Attended
9 7 1
No of Papers Presented - - -
No of Funded Projects Undertaken
No of Books Published
Publications National Journals: 1 International Journals:

Specialization Datamining and Networking
Email Address
Blood Group A1 +ve
Experience Teaching: 17 Years Industrial:
No. of M.Phil & Ph.Ds Produced M.Phil: Ph.D:
State National International
No of Seminar/Workshops Organized - 3 1
No of Seminar/Workshops/
Conference Attended
- 18 -
No of Papers Presented   3  
No of Funded Projects Undertaken
No of Books Published
Publications National Journals: International Journals: 11

Specialization Computer Networks
Email Address
Blood Group A1 +ve
Experience Teaching: 9 Years Industrial:
No. of M.Phil & Ph.Ds Produced M.Phil: Ph.D:
State National International
No of Seminar/Workshops Organized - 2 1
No of Seminar/Workshops/
Conference Attended
16 1 7
No of Papers Presented   2  
No of Funded Projects Undertaken
No of Books Published
Publications National Journals: International Journals: 3

Specialization Data Mining
Email Address
Blood Group A1B +ve
Experience Teaching: 14 Years Industrial:
No. of M.Phil & Ph.Ds Produced M.Phil: Ph.D:
State National International
No of Seminar/Workshops Organized - 2 1
No of Seminar/Workshops/
Conference Attended
8 1 -
No of Papers Presented 4 1 1
No of Funded Projects Undertaken
No of Books Published
Publications National Journals: International Journals:

Specialization Digital Image Processing
Email Address
Blood Group O +ve
Experience Teaching: 8 Years Industrial:
No. of M.Phil & Ph.Ds Produced M.Phil: Ph.D:
State National International
No of Seminar/Workshops Organized - - 1
No of Seminar/Workshops/
Conference Attended
1 3 -
No of Papers Presented      
No of Funded Projects Undertaken
No of Books Published
Publications National Journals: International Journals:

  • Installation of CTIT Student Council Office Bearer was inaugurated by Mr. Sa.Sivakumar (Alumnus), Senior Software Engineer, Tech Mahindra Ltd, Coimbatore on 11.07.2023.
  • Dr. P.Bharathisindhu, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Applications, Vellalar College for Women, Erode, conducted a Guest Lecture on “Cloud Computing” for the pre final year students on 13.07.2023.
  • Mr. V.P.Muthukumar, Assistant Professor, PG & Research Department of Computer Science & Applications, Vivekanandha College of Arts and Science for Women (Autonomous), Tiruchengode, Namakkal, conducted a Guest Lecture on “C and C++ Programming” for the first year students on 01.08.2023.
  • Dr. V.L.Jayapaul, Assistant Professor and Head, Department of English, St.Joseph’s College (Autonomous), Tiruchirapalli, conducted a Personality Development Programme for the final year students on 07.08.2023 and 08.08.2023.
  • Ms. S.Sreevidhya, Assistant Professor, Department of English, Trinity College for Women (Arts and Science), Namakkal, conducted a Communication Development Programme for the pre final year students on 09.08.2023 and 10.08.2023.
  • Ms. N.Renuka, Assistant Professor of English, conducted a Special Lecture on “Report Writing and Public Speaking” for the final year students on 14.09.2023.
  • Mr. S.Boopathi, Network Engineer, EXTOL Tech Solutions, Erode, conducted a Workshop on “PC Hardware and Troubleshooting” for the pre final year students on 15.09.2023 and 19.09.2023.
  • Activities of the Technopedia Association

  • Ms. V.Dharani and Ms. C.Kalaivani, Assistant Professors of our department conducted Doodle Dragon, a department competition on 19.07.2023.
  • The Teachers Day was celebrated on 05.09.2023.
  • Mr. S.Thangamani and Mr. M.Saravanan Assistant Professors of our department conducted Code Fighter, an Intra department competition on 10.09.2023.
  • The 12 th Intramural Technical Symposium Techfest’23 was conducted on 20.09.2023. Dr. C.Sunitha, Associate Professor and Head, Department of Software Systems, Sri Krishna Arts and Science College, Coimbatore was the resource person.
  • Activities of Academic Counselling Cell

  • Individual Student Counselling for all the students was conducted by the respective tutors twice in a semester in order to help them to improve their academic performance.
  • 2 Class Committee meetings were conducted by the HOD to review the academic process of the department.
  • Activities of Green Computing Forum

  • E-Waste was collected from the students of B.Sc. (Computer Technology) and B.Sc. (Information Technology) on 28.07.2023 and was handed over to the Science Forum of our college. ii. An Awareness programme on “Reduce Paper Consumption” was arranged by the Green Computing Forum on 28.08.2023.
  • Activities of Cultural Club

  • An audio visual show was arranged to develop the knowledge of “National Identities and Symbols” on 28.08.2023 for the first year students.
  • Activities of Higher Education Club

  • A Guest Lecture on “Opportunities in Higher Education” was conducted for the final year B.Sc. (Computer Technology) and B.Sc. (Information Technology) students by Mr. Thiagarajan Thirunavukkarasu, Director, T.I.M.E Erode on 02.08.2023.
  • Activities of Reunion Alumni Association

  • A Programme on “Preparing the Students for Facing the Interview” was conducted by Mr. Sa. Sivakkumar, Senior Software Engineer, Tech Mahindra, Coimbatore.
    As part of the “Know your Alumni”, the following alumni shared their industrial experience to our students.
    1. Mr.S.Saran, Programmer, CTS
    2. Ms. M. Poovarasi, Junior Software Engineer, Tech Mahindra
    3. Ms. K.Birundambikai, Senior System Associate, Infosys
    4. Ms. R.Priyanka, Junior System Engineer, Tech Mahindra
    5. Mr.K.Bharath Kumar, Software Engineer, Infinite Computer Solutions
    6. Ms. S.Janani, Programmer, CTS
  • Activities of Aptitude and Soft Skills Training Cell

  • Our department alumni Mr. S.Saran, Ms. K. Birundambigai, Ms. R. Priyanka and Ms. M. Poovarasi conducted the Aptitude Training Programme for the final year students on 02.09.2023.
  • Our department alumni Mr.S.Saran, Ms. M. Poovarasi, Mr.K.Bharath Kumar, and Ms. S.Janani conducted a Mock Interview for the final year students on 23.09.2023.
  • Consultancy Service Cell

  • The cell offers the following Consultancy services:
    1. Virus Cleaning/Malware Cleaning.
    2. Software Installation.
    3. Poster/Certificate/Invitation Designing.
    4. Computer Servicing.

  • Mrs. K.Kiruthika, Assistant professor, Department of Information Technology, Vellalar College for Women (Autonomous), Erode conducted a Guest Lecture on “Object Oriented Programming with JAVA” for the pre final year students on 21.07.2022.
  • Mr. S.Boobalan, Manager – Career Guidance, Dream zone School of Creative Studies, India(Division of CADD Centre), Chennai, conducted a Guest Lecture on “Career Direction for Animation, VFX and IT” for the final year students on 11.08.2022.
  • Installation of CTIT Student Council and Inauguration of Orientation Programme was held on 17.08.2022. Mr. Gurubalaji Gururaj (Alumnus), Senior Administrator, Wipro Technology, Coimbatore was the Chief Guest. Mrs. S.Savitha, Assistant Professor, Dr. R.Rooba, Assistant Professor, Mrs. C.Indrani, Assistant Professor, Mrs. N.Renuka, Assistant Professor and Mr. D.Nagarajaprabhu, Technical Lead, IDP Australia Ltd, Chennai conducted the Orientation Programme for the first year students from 17.08.2022 to 18.08.2022.
  • Mr. T.Manikandan and Mr. K.Kumar, Sridharan Infotech, Erode conducted a Workshop on “PC Hardware and Troubleshooting” for the pre final year students on 15.09.2022 to 16.09.2022.
  • Dr. C.Thiyagarajan, Associate Professor, Department of Computer Technology, PSG College of Arts and Science , Coimbatore conducted a Guest Lecture on “Dot Net (.NET) Programming” for the final year students on 23.09.2022.
  • Dr. A.Sumathi, Associate Professor, Department of Information Technology, KPR College of Arts, Science and Research, Coimbatore conducted a Guest Lecture on “C and C++ Programming” for the first year students on 10.10.2022.
  • Mr. D.A. Kumaran, Software Developer, Accent Technosoft, Coimbatore, conducted a Workshop on “Python Programming” for the final year B.Sc. (Computer Technology) students on 28.12.2022.
  • Mr. J. Arun Kumar, Android Developer, Accent Technosoft, Coimbatore conducted a Workshop on “Android Programming” for the final year B.Sc. (Information Technology) students on 29.12.2022.
  • Mr. Nandhakumar, Software Developer, Accent Technosoft, Coimbatore conducted a Workshop on “PHP Programming” for the pre final year B.Sc. (Computer Technology) students on 30.12.2022 and Workshop on “Linux Administration” for the pre final year B.Sc. (Information Technology) students on 06.01.2023.
  • Dr. R.Ramesh, Associate Professor, Department of Computer Science, KPR College of Arts, Science & Research, Coimbatore conducted a Guest Lecture on “Project Development” for the final year students on 02.01.2023.
  • Mrs. C.Uma and Mrs. C.Kalaivani, Assistant Professors conducted a Workshop on “Office Automation” for the first year students on 02.01.2023 and 03.01.2023.
  • Dr. P.Bharathisindhu, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Applications, Vellalar College for Women, Erode conducted a Guest Lecture on “Web Technology” for the pre final year students on 05.01.2023.
  • Mr. P.Prabhakaran, Assistant Professor, Department of Information Technology, PSG College of Arts & Science(Autonomous), Coimbatore conducted a Guest Lecture on “Database Management Systems” for the first year students on 11.01.2023.
  • Activities of the Technopedia Association

  • Mrs. V.Dharani and Mrs. C.Kalaivani, Assistant Professors of our department conducted the Doodle Dragon competition on 22.08.2022.
  • The Teacher’s Day was celebrated on 05.09.2022.
  • The 11th Intramural Technical Symposium Techfest’Y22 was conducted on 06.09.2022. Dr. N.Karthikeyani Visalakshi, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, Government Arts and Science College, Kangeyam was the resource person.
  • Mr. S.Thangamani and Mr. M.Saravanan, Assistant Professors of our department conducted Code Fighter an Intra department competition on 20.10.2022.
  • Mrs. N.Renuka, Assistant Professor of English conducted an Intra department Paper Presentation competition on 13.02.2023.
  • Dr. R.Rooba and Dr. P.Kalarani, Assistant Professors of our department conducted Website Portal Creation an Intra department competition on 15.02.2023.
  • Activities of Social Responsibility Cell

  • The Digital Literacy Programme was conducted for the benefit of the students of Govt. Aided Middle School, Ragupathi Nayakkan Palayam, Erode on 14.09.2022. This programme has elated the technological bustle of almost 31 students at basic level.
  • Mrs. S.Sadhanayaki Assistant Professor of our department conducted a Swachh Bharat Cleaning Activity with our department students at PG-Block second floor on 15.09.2022.
  • The Cyber Security Awareness Programme was conducted on 14.02.2023 for the Non – IT stream students in the Kongu Arts and Science College (Autonomous). The students of Computer Technology and Information Technology created awareness among 2104 students that inspired them towards the latest technology of cyber forum.
  • Activities of Reunion Alumni Association

  • An Alumni Meet was conducted on 26.01.2023. 57 alumni from B.Sc. (Computer Technology) and B.Sc. (Information Technology) participated in the meet. As part of the “Know your Alumni”, the following alumni shared their industrial experience to our students.
    1. Mr. G.Gurubalaji, Senior Administrator, Wipro Technology
    2. Ms. M.Bharani, Programmer Trainee, Infosys
    3. Mr. K.Logesh, Programmer, Trainee, Infosys
    4. Mr. S.A. Sivakumar, Software Engineer, Tech Mahindra
    5. Ms. K.Shanmuga Priya, Associate Software Engineer, Cognizant Technology Solutions
    6. Ms. B.Monika, Network Administrator, Wipro Technologies
    7. Mr. S.Saran, Programmer, CTS.
    8. Ms. S.Ishwarya, Cloud / APP Analyst, Accenture

    Activities of Academic Counselling Cell

  • Individual Student Counselling for all the students was conducted by the respective tutors twice in a semester in order to help them to improve their academic performance.
  • 2 Class Committee meetings were conducted by the HOD to review the academic process of the department.
  • Activities of Green Computing Forum

  • E-Waste was collected from the students of B.Sc. (Computer Technology) and B.Sc. (Information Technology) on 16.08.2022 and was handed over to the Science Forum of our college.
  • An Essay Writing Competition on “Recent Trends in Green Computing” was conducted for our college UG students on 03.01.2023.
  • Activities of Consultancy Service Cell

  • The department offers the following Non Remunerative Consultancy Services since September 2016.
    1. Virus Cleaning/Malware Cleaning.
    2. Software Installation.
    3. Poster/Certificate/Invitation Designing.
    4. Computer Servicing.

    Activities of Aptitude and Soft Skills Training Cell

  • Our department alumni Mr. M. Bharani and Mr. K. Logesh conducted the Aptitude Training for the final year students on 12.08.2022.
  • Our department alumni Mr. G. Gurubalaji, Mr. S.A. Siva Kumar, Mrs K. Shanmugapriya and Mrs B. Monika conducted a Mock Interview for the final year students on 03.09.2022.
  • Mrs. N.Renuka, Assistant Professor of English, conducted a Special Lecture on “Report Writing and Public Speaking” for the final year students on 05.09.2022.
  • Mrs. S.Sreevidhya, Assistant Professor, Department of English, Trinity College for Women (Arts and Science), Namakkal conducted a Communication Development Programme for the pre final year students on 09.09.2022 and 12.09.2022.
  • Dr. V. L. Jayapaul, Assistant Professor and Head, Department of English, St.Joseph’s College (Autonomous), Tiruchirapalli, conducted a Personality Development Programme for the final year students on 13.09.2022.
  • A Group Discussion for the final year students was conducted by our alumnus Mr. S. Saran on 20.10.2022.
  • Mr. M. Saravanan, Assistant Professor of our department conducted a Training Programme on “How to prepare a Resume” for the pre final year students on 28.12.2022.
  • A Group Discussion for the prefinal year students was conducted by our alumni Ms. S. Aiswarya and Mr. S. Saran on 20.02.2023.
  • Activities of Higher Education Club

  • A Guest Lecture on “Opportunities in Higher Education” was conducted for the final year B.Sc. (Computer Technology) and B.Sc. (Information Technology) students by Mr. Thiagarajan Thirunavukkarasu, Director, TIME Institute, Erode on 22.09.2022.
  • A Special Lecture on Career Planning was conducted for final year B.Sc. (Computer Technology) and B.Sc. (Information Technology) students by Mr. M. Dinesh Kumar, Manager, Branch Head IDP Education Coimbatore on 03.01.2023.
  • An Awareness programme on “TANCET Exam” was conducted for the final year B.Sc. (Computer Technology) and B.Sc. (Information Technology) students by Mrs S.Sadhanayaki, Assistant Professor of our department on 21.02.2023.
  • The Club serves as the epicenter for the information related to the higher studies and encourages students for a progressive career.
  • Activities of Cultural Club

  • An Audio Visual Show was arranged to develop the knowledge of “National Identities and Symbols” on 07.09.2022 for first year students.
  • Members of the club participated in the “Pongal Vizha” on 12.01.2023.
  • Members of the club participated in the “Kongu Cultural Fest” on 25.01.2023.
  • An Intra Department Talent Hunt – Youth Fest ’23 was conducted on 22.03.2023.
  • Activities of Industry Institute Interaction Cell

  • An Industrial Visit to Chips Software Solutions, Kerala was arranged for the final year students from 16.10.2022 to 17.10.2022.
  • An Industrial visit to Spectrum Softtech Solutions, Kochi, Kerala was arranged for the pre-final year students on 10.10.2022.
  • An Outbound Yoga Training Programme at Vethathiri Maharishi Kundalini Yoga and Kayakalpa Research Foundation in Aliyar was arranged for the first year students on 11.10.2022.

  • As part of DEEKSHARAMBH - Student Induction Programme (SIP) for the first year students, Dr. P B. Pankajavalli, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, Bharathiar University. Coimbatore and Ms Reena Ravi, Chief Operating Officer and Founder, Sumline Consultancy, Bengaluru conducted the sessions on "Introduction and Importance of Subjects/Courses of Study" and "Emerging Career Opportunities and Challenges" on 08.09.2021 and 13.09.2021 respectively.
  • Installation of CTIT Student Council and Inauguration of orientation programme was held on 16.09.2021. Mr. M.Dhinakaran (Alumnus), Senior Software Engineer, Accelaero (An Airarabia Company), Sharjah, United Arab Emirates was the Chief Guest. Mrs. C.Indrani, and Dr. R.Rooba, Assistant Professors of our Department and Mr. D.Nagarajaprabhu, Technical Lead, IDP Australia Ltd, Chennai conducted the Orientation Programme for the first year students from 16.09.2021 to 17.09.2021.
  • Dr. K.Vembanadasamy, Associate professor, Department of Information Technology, Sree Ramakrishna College of Arts and Science College, Coimbatore conducted a Guest Lecture on Object Oriented Programming with JAVA for the pre final year students on 05.10.2021.
  • Mr. R.Ramesh, Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science, KPR College of Arts and Science College and Research, Coimbatore conducted a Guest Lecture on Dot Net (.NET) Programming for the final year students on 22.10.2021.
  • A webinar on Opportunities and Challenges of Web Development Entrepreneurs was organized in collaboration with the Institution’s Innovation Council for the final year students on 01.12.2021. Mr. K.Santhosh Kumar, Social Media Analyst, Nettel Solutions, Coimbatore was the resource person.
  • Dr. P.Kalarani and Mrs. C.Kalaivani Assistant Professors conducted a Training Programme on Office Automation for the Non-Teaching Staff Members on 09.12.2021 and 10.12.2021.
  • Mr. T.Matheiyarashshan, Web & Mobile App Developer, Accent Technosoft, Coimbatore conducted a Guest Lecture on Web Technology for the pre final year students on 28.02.2022.
  • Seven Days Short-Term Training Programme (STTP) on Cyber Security and Threat Landscape was organized in collaboration with Kongunadu Arts and Science College, Coimbatore and National Cyber Safety and Security Standards(NCSSS), New Delhi from 14.03.2022 to 21.03.2022.
  • Mr. S.Suganesh, Business Analyst, Robost Technology, Udupi, Karnataka conducted a Guest Lecture on Project Development for the final year students on 17.03.2022.
  • As part of Peer Tutoring, S.P. Vishva from final year B.Sc. (Information Technology) and M.Bhavan from final year B.Sc.(Computer Technology) conducted a Training Programme on Photoshop and CorelDraw for the first and Second year students on 31.03.2022 and 06.04.2022.
  • Mr. Sabarishwaran Arunagirisamy, Python Developer, Accent Technosoft, Coimbatore, conducted a Workshop on Python Programming for the final year B.Sc. (Computer Technology) students on 31.03.2021.
  • Mr. T.Matheiyarashshan, Web & Mobile Mobile App Developer, Accent Technosoft, Coimbatore conducted a Workshop on Android Programming for the final year B.Sc. (Information Technology) students on 06.04.2022.
  • Dr. P.Kalarani and Mrs. C.Kalaivani, Asssistant Professors conducted a Workshop on Office Automation for the first year students on 11.04.2022 and 12.04.2022.
  • Mr. T.Matheiyarashshan, Web & Mobile App Developer, Accent Technosoft, Coimbatore conducted a Workshop on PHP Programming for the pre final year B.Sc. (Computer Technology) students on 13.04.2022.
  • Mr. T.Akil, Software Engineer & Certified Ethical Hacker, Accent Technosoft, Coimbatore conducted a Workshop on Linux Administration for the pre final year B.Sc. (Information Technology) students on 19.04.2022

  • Mr. Gurubalaji Gururaj, Sai Skill Development Center, Coimbatore, Mr. S.Muruganantham, Head of the Department, Ms. N.Renuka, Assistant professor , Ms.C.Indrani, Assistant Professor, Ms.R.Rooba, Assistant Professor and conducted the Orientation Programme for the first year students on the following topics from 24.08.2020 to 28.08.2020.
    • Personality Development Programme.
    • Art of Communication
    • Basics of IT
    • Fundamentals of Programming.
    • Bridging the Gap
  • Mr. V. L. Jayapaul, Assistant Professor and Head, Department of English, St.Joseph’s College (Autonomous), Tiruchirapalli, conducted a Online Personality Development Programme for the final year students on 12.10.2020.
  • Mr. G.Baskar, Assistant Professor, Department of English, Vivekanadha College of Arts and Science for Women (Autonomous) Tiruchengode conducted a Online Communication Development Programme for the pre final year students on 21.10.2020.
  • Installation of office bearers for CTIT Student Council was held on 27.06.2019.
  • Ms. N.Renuka, Assistant Professor of English, conducted a Special Lecture on “Report Writing and Public Speaking” for the final year students on 23.02.2021 and 24.02.2021
  • Ms. M.Vijaya, Technical Cosultant(Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist and Oracle Certified Professional), Accent Technosoft, Coimbatore, conducted a Virtual Workshop on Python Programming for the final year students on 02.03.2021.
  • Mr. Matheiyarashan, Mobile App Developer, Accent Technosoft, Coimbatore conducted a Virtual Workshop on Android Programming for the final year students on 03.03.2021.
  • Mr. Matheiyarashan, Mobile App Developer, Accent Technosoft, Coimbatore conducted a Virtual Workshop on PHP Programming for the final year students on 18.03.2021.
  • Mr. K.J.Bagavathy, System Engineer, Accent Technosoft, Coimbatore conducted a Virtual Workshop on Linux Programming for the final year students on 19.03.2021.
  • Dr. P.Kalarani and Ms. C.Kalaivani, Asssistant Professors conducted a Workshop on Office Automation for the first year students on 20.03.2021.
  • Two-Day International Virtual Seminar on INDUSTRY 4.0 was organized in association with Departments of Computer Science (UG) and Computer Applications(UG) on 06.11.2020 and 07.11.2020. Dr. Dhenesh V. Subramanian, Lecturer, IIBIT Federation University, Adelaide, Australia, Dr. Viral V.Kapadia, Associate Professor, Department of Technology & Engineering, The MS University of Baroda, Gujarat, Dr. P.B.Pankajavalli and Dr. S. Vijayarani, Assistant Professors, Department of Computer Science ,Bharathiar University, Coimbatore were the resource persons.

  • Ms. N.Renuka, Assistant professor , Dr. S.Nagarajan, Associate professor and Head , Ms.C.Indrani, Assistant Professor, Ms.R.Rooba, Assistant Professor,and Mr. Kathirvelu Palanisamy(Erode Kathir), Six Plus One Training Academy, Erode, conducted the Orientation Programme for the first year students on the following topics from 27.06.2019 to 28.06.2019.
    • Art of Communication
    • Fundamentals of Mathematics
    • Basics of IT
    • Fundamentals of Programming.
    • Personality Development Programme.
  • Mr. S.M.Nathan, Android Developer, Accent Technosoft, Coimbatore delivered a Guest Lecture on Python Programming for the pre final year students on 18.07.2019.
  • Mr. Dr. T.Parimelazhagan, Professor, Department of Botany, School of Life Science, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore delivered a Guest Lecture on Intellectual Property Rights for the final year students on 19.07.2019.
  • Dr. K.Mohanraj, Assistant Professor, Department of English, Vivekanadha College of Arts and Science for Women (Autonomous) Tiruchengode conducted a Communication Development Programme for the pre final year students on 25.07.2019 and 26.07.2019.
  • Mr. V. L. Jayapaul, Assistant Professor, Department of English, St.Joseph’s College (Autonomous), Tiruchirapalli, conducted a Personality Development Programme for the final year students on 30.07.2019 and 31.07.2019.
  • Ms. N.Renuka, Assistant Professor of English, conducted a Special Lecture on “Report Writing and Public Speaking” for the final year students on 06.09.2019.
  • Dr. H. Vasudevan, Associate Professor and Head, Department of Commerce with Computer Applications, and Mr. S.Surendran, Assistant Professor, Department of Tamil, Kongu Arts and Science College(Autonomous) , Erode delivered a Guest Lecture on “Disaster Management: Financial Emergency” and ”Gender Equity in Higher Education”: for the final year students on 30.08.2019.
  • Ms. C.Uma and Ms. C.Kalaivani, Asssistant Professors conducted a Workshop on Office Automation for the first year students on 09.12.2019 and 10.12.2019.
  • Mr.T.Manikandan, Mr.E.Prakash, Mr.R.Senthil kumar and Mr. K.Kumar of Sridharan Infotech , Erode conducted a Workshop on “PC Hardware and Trouble Shooting” for the final year and pre final year students from 10.12.2019 and 13.12.2019.
  • Ms. P.Kalarani , Assistant Professor conducted a Awareness Programme on NPTEL Online Courses for our department students on 12.12.2019.
  • Dr. P.Dhinakaran, Assistant Professor, Department of Tamil, Kongu Arts and Science College(Autonomous) , Erode delivered a Guest Lecture on Human Values and Professional Ethics for the final year students on 14.12.2019
  • Mr. K.K.Suresh Kumar,Assistant Professor, Department of Computer Science(PG), Kongu Arts and Science College(Autonomous) , Erode delivered a Special Lecture on “Career Planning” for the final year students on 14.12.2019.
  • Mr. E.Jeevanandhan, Accent Technosoft, Coimbatore conducted a Workshop on “PHP Programming” for the pre final year B.Sc. Computer Technology students on 02.01.2020.
  • Mr. T.Akil, Accent Technosoft, Coimbatore conducted a Workshop on “Linux Administration” for the pre final year B.Sc. Information Technology students on 03.01.2020.
  • Mr. S. Balachandar, Researcher and Evangelist, Shell India Pvt. Ltd, Bangalore and Dr. R. Chinnaiyan, Associate Professor, Department of Information Science & Engineering, CMR Institute of Technology, Bangalore conducted a State Level Seminar on Advances in Computing and Information Technology on 06.02.2020.

  • Ms. N.Renuka, Assistant professor , Mr. D.Sivakumar, Assistant professor, Ms.C.Indrani, Assistant Professor, Ms.R.Rooba, Assistant Professor and Mr. D.Nagaraja Prabu, Team Head, IDP Australia, Chennai, conducted the Orientation Programme for the first year students on the following topics from 06.07.2018 to 07.07.2018
    • Art of Communication
    • Fundamentals of Mathematics
    • Basics of IT
    • Fundamentals of Programming.
    • Personality Development Programme.
  • Mr. S.Jerald Sagaya Nathan, Assistant Professor, Department of English, St.Joseph’s College (Autonomous) Thiruchirappalli conducted a Communication Development Programme for the pre final year students on 26.07.2018 and 27.07.2018.
  • Mr. S.M.Nathan, Android Developer, Accent Technosoft, Coimbatore delivered a Guest Lecture on Python Programming for the pre final year students on 31.07.2018
  • Mr. S.Padma, Assistant professor and Head, Department of Computer Applications, K.S.Rangasamy College of Arts and Science(Autonomous), Tiruchengode delivered a Guest Lecture on Intellectual Property Rights for the final year students on 31.07.2018
  • Mr. V. L. Jayapaul, Assistant Professor, Department of English, St.Joseph’s College (Autonomous), Tiruchirapalli, conducted a Personality Development Programme for the final year B.Sc. Computer Technology students on 07.08.2018
  • Dr. H. Vasudevan, Head of the Department, Department of Commerce with Computer Applications, Kongu Arts and Science College, Erode delivered a Guest Lecture on “Disaster Management Financial Emergency” for the final year students on 06.09.2018.
  • Ms. N.Renuka, Assistant Professor of English, conducted a Special Lecture on “Report Writing and Public Speaking” for the final year students on 12.09.2018.
  • Ms. C.Uma and Ms. C.Kalaivani, Asssistant Professors conducted a Workshop on Office Automation for the first year students on 08.12.2018 and 09.12.2018.
  • Ms. P.Kalarani , Assistant Professor conducted a Awareness Programme on NPTEL Online Courses for our department students on 07.12.2018.
  • Mr. Kathirvelu Palanisamy(Erode Kathir), Six Plus Training Academy, Erode delivered a Guest Lecture on Human Values and Professional Ethics for the final year students on 14.12.2018
  • Mr. M.Naveen Kumar, PHP Developer, Accent Technosoft, Coimbatore conducted a Workshop on “PHP Programming” for the pre final year B.Sc. Computer Technology students on 09.01.2019.
  • Ms.G.Menaka, System Administrator, Accent Technosoft, Coimbatore conducted a Workshop on “Linux Administration” for the pre final year B.Sc. Information Technology students on 10.01.2019.
  • Mr.T.Manikandan, Mr.E.Prakash and Mr. K.Kumar of Q-Technology, Erode conducted a Workshop on “PC Hardware and Trouble Shooting” for the final year students on 01.02.2019 and 04.02.2019

  • Mr. S.Muruganantham, Head, Department of CT & IT, Dr. S.Nagarajan, Head, Department of Mathematics, Mrs. N.Renuka, Mrs. C.Indrani, Mrs.R.Rooba, Assistant Professors, and Mr. D.Nagaraja Prabu, Team Head, IDP Australia, Chennai, conducted the Orientation Programme for the first year students on the following topics from 04.07.2017 to 06.07.2017
    • Bridging the Gap
    • Art of Communication
    • Fundamentals of Mathematics
    • Basics of IT
    • Fundamentals of Programming
    • Personality Development Programme
  • Mr. M.Senthil Kumar, Android Developer, Systech Infovations, Coimbatore delivered a Guest Lecture on Ruby on Rails for the final year students on 29.07.2017.
  • Mr. V. L. Jayapaul, Assistant Professor, Department of English, St.Joseph’s College (Autonomous), Tiruchirapalli, conducted a Personality Development Programme for the final year students on 01.08.2017 and 02.08.17.
  • Mr. G.Baskar, Assistant Professor, Department of English, Vivekanandha College for Women, Tirunchengode conducted a Communication Development Programme for the pre final year students on 09.08.2017 and 10.08.2017.
  • An Industry Visit to J.V.S Electronics, Bengaluru was arranged for final year students on 11.08.2017.
  • An Outbound Yoga Training Programme was arranged for the first year students on 19.08.2017 at Vethathiri Maharishi Kundalini Yoga and Kayakalpa Research Foundation, Aliyar.
  • Dr. H. Vasudevan, Head of the Department, Department of Commerce with Computer Applications of our college delivered a Guest Lecture on “Fundamentals of Accounting” for the final year students on 04.09.2017.
  • An Industry Visit to Infosys, Bengaluru was arranged for the pre final year students on 09.09.2017.
  • Mrs. C.Uma and Mrs. C.Kalaivani, Assistant Professors conducted a Workshop on Office Automation for the first year students on 08.12.2017 and 09.12.2017.
  • Mr. R.Prabu, Software Developer, Aris Automation & Solutions, Coimbatore conducted a Workshop on “Android Programming” for the pre final year students on 09.01.2018 and 10.01.2018.
  • A National Workshop on Cloud Computing with Amazon Web Services was organised on 01.02.2018 and 02.02.2018.
Updated on 12th February 2025 [News and Events]

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