National Service Scheme

Objectives of NSS

  1. Understand the community in which they work.
  2. Understand themselves in relation to their community.
  3. Identify the needs and problems of the community and involve them in problem solving.
  4. Develop among themselves a sense of social and civic responsibility.
  5. Utilize their knowledge in finding practical solutions to individual and community problems.
  6. Develop competence required for group-living and sharing of responsibilities.

Regular Activities

120 Hours per volunteers per year. Maximum volunteership period is two years. Four units of college NSS are implementing the programme regularly. Programme on Communal harmony.
  1. Human Rights.
  2. Natural Calamities.
  3. Social Harmony.
  4. National Integration.
  5. Awareness on hazards of Plastic materials.
  6. Aids Awareness.
  7. Awareness against drugs.
  8. Awareness on Smoking and alcohol.
  9. Consumer Awareness.
  10. Voters Awareness.
  11. Personality Development.
  12. Mental Cleanliness.
  13. Entrepreneur Development.
  14. Career Guidance and Counseling.
  15. Leadership development Programme.
  16. Environmental Awareness.
  17. Family welfare.
  18. Nutrition Programme.
In our College 4 N.S.S Units are effectively functioning with the strength of 400 volunteers.

Special Camp Programme

  • The Special Camp period is seven days.
  • S.No Name Designation Department Position
    1 Mr. K.Mohanapriyan Assistant Professor Physics Programme Officer
    2 Ms. S. K. Dharani Assistant Professor Master of Social Work Programme Officer
    3 Dr.G.Venugopal Assistant Professor Master of Business Administration Programme Officer
    4 Mr.K.Dhiyaneshwaran Assistant Professor CT and IT Programme Officer

    Updated on 07th March 2025 [News and Events]

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