The Main objective of Intellectual Property Rights Cell (IPR Cell) is
cultivating the importance and nature of innovation among students. In addition the
cell motivates and guides the faculty members and students to get their novel
innovations and inventive step to get patented. The IPR Cell organizes seminars,
workshops, contests and various students' related activities regarding intellectual
S.No |
Name |
Designation |
Department |
Position |
1 |
Dr.P.Parvatham |
Associate Professor |
Co-ordinator |
2 |
Dr.M.Thangam |
Associate Professor |
Business Administration |
IIC Coordinator |
3 |
Dr.N.Sangeetha |
Associate Professor |
Biochemistry |
Member |
4 |
Dr.D.Sivakumar |
Associate Professor |
Mathematics |
Member |
5 |
Ms.M.M.Kavitha |
Assistant Professor |
Computer Application (UG) |
Member |
6 |
Ms.G.Vaishnavee |
Assistant Professor |
Commerce (CA) |
Member |
7 |
Dr.A.Chithambaram |
Assistant Professor |
Commerce |
Member |
8 |
Ms.N.Kowsalya |
Assistant Professor |
Business Administration |
Member |
9 |
Ms.R.Akalya |
Assistant Professor |
Management Science |
Member |
10 |
Dr.M.Manju |
Assistant Professor |
Computer Science (UG) |
Member |
11 |
Ms.S.Divya |
Assistant Professor |
Computer Science (PG) |
Member |
12 |
Ms.G.Jayanthi |
Assistant Professor |
Biotechnology |
Member |
13 |
Mr.V.Mahendran |
Assistant Professor |
English |
Member |
14 |
Ms.R.Manimegalai |
Assistant Professor |
Tamil |
Member |
15 |
Ms.M.Kavipriya |
Assistant Professor |
Costume Design and Fashion |
Member |
16 |
Ms.C.Kalaivani |
Assistant Professor |
CT / IT |
Member |
17 |
Ms.S.Nathiya |
Assistant Professor |
Physics |
Member |
18 |
Mr.A.Sathyaprakash |
Assistant Professor |
CS & HM |
Member |
19 |
Ms.A.Abinaya |
Assistant Professor |
Business Administration (CA) |
Member |
20 |
Mr.S.Manojkumar |
Assistant Professor |
M.S.W |
Member |
21 |
Ms.S.Brindha |
Assistant Professor |
Psychology |
Member |
- Intellectual Property Rights Cell of Kongu Arts and Science College (Autonomous) organized a Guest Lecture on “Trademarks vs Copyright:Understanding the Key Differences and Legal Protections” on 26.07.2024. The Chief Guest of the day, Mr.CS.P. Eswaramoorthy, Practicing Company Secretary, Faculty in ICSI, Coimbatore gave an enlightening speech about the Trademarks versus Copyrights and evoked the insightful ideas among the students. He explained the concepts of Intellectual Property Rights and he motivated the students to utilize the rights for their innovative ideas. Students have gained an additional knowledge about social values through this programme. The totally 200 students were participated and got benefitted through this programme.
- Intellectual Property Rights Cell of Kongu Arts and Science College (Autonomous) organized organized an Awareness Programme on “Intellectual Property Rights: Transforming Research Innovation in to Performing Assets” on 13.08.2024. The Chief Guest of the day, Dr.T. Parimelazhagan, Professor and Head, Department of Botany, Dean - Faculty of Science, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore gave an enlightening speech about how to transform the innovative ideas into valuable assets. He explained the concepts of Intellectual Property Rights and he motivated the students to utilize the rights for their innovative ideas. He gave an insightful knowledge to the participants and answered various queries by the participants. Students have gained an additional knowledge about social values through this programme.
- Intellectual Property Rights Cell of Kongu Arts and Science College
(Autonomous) organized One – Day seminar on “The Negative of Plastics on Our Environment and Alternative Remedies” on 28.01.2025. The Chief Guests of the day, Rtn. Vichitra Senthilkumar, Character President Inner Wheel Avinashi East District Chair Care for Girl Child RID 3203, Past President Rotary Avinashi East, Avinashi and Dr. K. Preethi AssistantProfessor, Department of Microbial Biotechnology School of Biotechnology
and Genetic Engineering, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore. They gave an enlightening speech about how to avoid the plastics and what are the remedies available instead of plastics in our day to day life. They were explained the negatives of plastics and they motivated the students to use bio covers. They gave an insightful knowledge to the participants and answered various queries by the participants. Students have gained an additional knowledge about plastic negatives and remedies through this programme.
- Intellectual Property Rights Cell of Kongu Arts and Science College (Autonomous) organized Half – Day guest lecture on “Patent Filling Process and Strategies” on 20.02.2025. The resource person of the day, Dr. G. S. Rampradheep, Associate Professor of Civil Engineering, Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai. He delivered a wonderful speech on patent filing, outlining the necessary strategies for a successful application. The session imparted valuable knowledge and answered participants' questions. Students gained practical insights into patent filing for their own innovative products.
- Intellectual Property Rights Cell Organized a “Legal Awareness Programme on “ Intellectual Property Rights” & Right to Information Act, 2005 on 29.08.2023. The Resource Person of the Program was Mr.S.MohanPrashad, Fourth Year of BA LLB, The Central Law College, Salem and Mr.S.MOHAMMED RITHIK, Fourth Year of BA LLB, The Central Law College, Salem . This Awareness Programme explores the creations of the mind and include works of artistic nature, inventions, designs, signs, trademarks, and computer programs. This RTI Act empowers Indian citizens to seek any accessible information from a Public Authority and makes the Government and its functionaries more accountable and responsible. The Programme was a motivating experience for the students. The queries of the participants were clarified at the end of the session.
- The Department of Biochemistry in association with Intellectual Property Rights Cell of Kongu Arts and Science College (Autonomous) organizedan Awareness Programme on “Intellectual Property Rights: Indian Perspectives”under DBT Star College Scheme on 09.02.2024.The Chief Guest of the day,Mr.A.K.R.Shanmugham, Self-Awareness Trainer, Great Human Development Centre, Win India Academy, Coimbatore gave an enlightening speech about the Self-reliance and evoked the insightful ideas among the students. He explained the concepts of Intellectual Property Rights and he motivated the students to utilize the rights for their innovative ideas. Students have gained an additional knowledge about social values through this programme.
- Intellectual Property Rights Cell of Kongu Arts and Science College (Autonomous) organized an Awareness Programme on “Intellectual Property for Sustainable Development” under DBT Star College Scheme on 26.04.2024. The Chief Guest of the day, Mr. D. Vignesh, Faculty in ICSI, Coimbatore gave an informative speech about the purpose of Trade mark, Copy rights and also learnt the process of Patent filling and procedures. He explained the concepts of Intellectual Property Rights and he motivated the students to utilize the rights for their innovative ideas. Students have gained an additional knowledge about social values through this programme.
- A Online workshop on “Intellectual Property Rights IPR &
Patent’s Design and Filing” has been conducted on
30/12/2022 at 11.00 am. The resource person of the program was
Dr.Bharat N.Suryawanshi , Assistant Controller of
Patents & Designs, Ministry of Commerce & Industry -
Govt. of India, RGNIIPM, Nagpur.
- Webinar on “Intellectual Property Rights” has been conducted on
06.04.2023 at 02.00 pm. The resource person of the
program was Mr.D.Vignesh, Company
Secretary in Practice, Faculty in ICSI, Coimbatore.
- Webinar on “IP System and Women’s Innovations” has been
conducted on 26.04.2023 at 02.00 pm. The
resource person of the program was Mr.G. Balasubramaniam, FCS,
Vice President & Company Secretary,
Ramesh Iron & Steel Company India Pvt Ltd, Coimbatore.
- Webinar on “Intellectual Property Rights” has been conducted on
11.10.2021 at 10.00 am. Session I on “Role of
IPR in Research and Innovation” was given by
Dr.JuriBorboraSaikia, Research Officer, Tezpur University, Assam
and the session II on “IPR–Sensitization to Innovation” was
given by Dr.Y.Thiagarajan Member (IE,IEEE,ISTE),
HOD-EEE, R&D Head , IIC Convener, Christ College of
Engineering and Technology, Puducherry.
- Webinar on “Intellectual Property Rights” has been conducted on
28.10.2021 at 10.00 am. Technical
Sessions on “Overview of Intellectual Property Rights” and
“Importance of IP for Academic Institution” given
by Ms.DeekshaArora and Mr.N.Subramanian, Assistant Managers,
Cell for IPR Promotion and Management,
DPIIT, Government of India.