Women Development Cell

Women Empowerment and Gender Equality are the most important requirements for the upliftment and progress of our nation. In the effort to make Kongu Arts and Science College a strong kernel of gender sensitization, the Women Development Cell (WDC) was established in 2002. The cell has both the faculty and students of the college as its members and works with an aim to create a gender sensitized community within campus as well as in the society. It has been organising various academic, technical, medical, cultural and social events for the upliftment of women and spreads the real importance of gender equality in the society through college students.

Motto of the Women Development Cell of our college:

Educate, Enlighten, Empower


  • To develop technically competent and confident women leaders who can create safe workplace and sustainable environment with universal human values.


  • To empower the girl students by enriching their literacy calibre and nurturing their leadership skills
  • To impart the knowledge of gender policies among girl students


  • To create a gender sensitized community within the campus as well as in the society.
  • To give the much – needed awareness to students on women’s rights and responsibilities.
  • To undertake advocacy and outreach programs concerning women health and hygiene in the rural and urban areas.

S.No Name Designation Department Position
1 Dr.G.Manju Associate Professor & Head BBA (CA) President
2 Dr.K.V.Shanmugavadivu Assistant Professor BBA Secretary
3 Ms. K.Maithilee Assistant Professor Physics Joint Secretary
4 Ms. C.Indrani Assistant Professor CT & IT Treasurer
5 Dr. M.Umadevi Assistant Professor Tamil Executive member
6 Ms. S. Swetha Assistant Professor English Executive member
7 Dr. G. Priyadharsini Assistant Professor Mathematics Executive member
8 Ms. P. Revathi Assistant Professor Commerce and B&I Executive member
9 Dr. N. Priyanandhini Assistant Professor Commerce (CA) Executive member
10 Ms. K.G. Sharanya Assistant Professor MBA Executive member
11Ms. A. Abinaya Assistant Professor BBA (CA) Executive member
12 Ms. K. Sivaranjini Assistant Professor BBA Executive member
13 Dr. N. Santhamani Assistant Professor CS CA and PA Executive member
14 Ms. S. Divya Assistant Professor MCA Executive member
15 Ms. N. Renuka Assistant Professor CT & IT Executive member
16 Ms. M. Thenmozhi Associate Professor BCA Executive member
17 Ms. S. Vidhya Assistant Professor Computer Science - UG Executive member
18 Dr. P. Kousalya Assistant Professor Biochemistry Executive member
19 Ms.V.Deepiga Assistant Professor Biotechnology Executive member
20 Ms. S. Shobika Assistant Professor Physics Executive member
21 Ms. K.P. Janarthini Assistant Professor Costume Design & Fashion Executive member
22 Ms. M.Nithya Sree Assistant Professor Social Work Executive member
23 Ms. B. Swetha Assistant Professor Psychology Executive member
24 Ms. P.Shanthi Data Entry Operator Office Executive member

  • Our Women Development Cell in association with Primary Health Centre, Thindal, conducted a Health Awareness Programme on “National Deworming Day” for the students below 19 years on 23.08.2024.
  • A Three Day Mega College Bazaar was organised in association with Tamil Nadu State Rural Livelihood Mission, Erode from 27.08.2024 to 29.08.2024 in our college campus. Self help groups from various districts of Tamilnadu participated and displayed their products for sale.
  • A "Free Eye Screening and Awareness Camp" was conducted on 13.09.2024 by Dr. S. Vijay Kumar MBBS., MS., FICO(UK), Medical Superintendent, The Eye Foundation, Erode.
  • An Awareness Programme on "Opportunities and Challenges for Young Girls" was conducted on 18.09.2024 by Ms. Geeta Illangovan, Writer and Film Maker, Chennai.
  • Our WDC in association with Primary Health Centre, Health Awareness Programme on “National Deworming Day” for students below 19 years was conducted on 24.08.2023.
  • A Legal Awareness Programme on “ Women Rights in India and Environmental Law” was conducted on 29.08.2023. Mr. A. Nithishkumar and Ms. Abinaya, Students of the Central Law College, Salem were the resource persons.
  • An Awareness Programme on “World Breast Feeding Day “ for PG girl students was conducted on 05.09.2023. Dr. M.K. Gandhimathi MBBS, DCH, MIYCN NPTEL GOI certified 2022, Pediatrician, Senior Assistant Surgeon, Sub District Taluk Hospital, Perundurai, was the resource person.
  • An Awareness Programme on “Gender Equity“was conducted on 13.09.2023. Ms. Rajalakshmi Ramasamy B.A., M.L, Advocate, Pollachi was the resource person
  • A Three Day Mega College Bazaar was organised in association with Tamil Nadu State Rural Livelihood Mission, Erode from 20.09.2023 to 22.09.2023 in our campus. Self help groups from various districts of Tamilnadu participated and displayed their products for sale.
  • A two day stall was organised in association with Tamil Nadu Handloom Weavers-Operative Society Ltd (Co-Optex), Chennai from 03.10.2023 to 04.10.2023.
  • An Awareness Program on the eve of “National Girl Child Day & Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day” was conducted on 06.10.2023. Ms.Ananthi Ragupathi (Motivational speaker & Writer),Founder of Happy Motherhood Center Chennai was the resource person.
  • A one day stall was organised in association with Padiyur Sarvodaya Sangh, Padiyur, Kangayam, in-order to support the Khadi Sales Compaign on 10.10.2023.
  • Our WDC in association with primary health centre Health Awareness programme on “National Deworming Day” for below 19 years students was conducted on 09.09.2022.
  • An Awareness Programme on”Gender Equalization “for 185 students was conducted on 20.10.2022.Ms.Barbara Lydia, Advocate and Notary Public, Erode was the resource person.
  • Our WDC in association with primary health centre, a Napkin distribution for below 19 years students was conducted on 05.11.2022.
  • WDC and our Staff members have jointly organised an Awareness Programme on” DRESS CODE OF GIRL STUDENTS “for ALL girl students on 11.11.2022.
  • WDC and ICC & POSH Committee has jointly organised a “DEBATE” Programme on 07.12.2022.Mr.B.Murugesan, Principal District Judge, Erode was the resource person.
  • Business Awareness Programme Among Women Entrepreneurs was conducted on 03.01.2023. Ms.AnithaPannerselvam ,Managing Director,SettloAcademy,Erode, was the resource person.
  • WDC and Young Indians has jointly organised Awareness Programme on “Cleanliness ,Hygiene and Confidence Building among women” was conducted on 24.01.2023. Dr.Saranya Selvakumar,Consultant,Interventional Pulmonologist,sleep Medicine Specialist and critical care Specialist,Arun Hospital ,Erode gave her suggestions.
  • Awareness Programme on“Thyroid” was conducted on 27.01.2023. Dr.P.Saravana Kumar, MBBS., MS., DNB (Surgery), Sri Hari Medical Centre, Muthu Karuppan Street,Near Erode GH, Erode has consented to be a Chief Guest for the programme.
  • A Workshop on “Creative Art Work” was organised on 15.02.2023. P.Maheswari Artica Creations,Perundurai Main road,Kunnathur.
  • An International Women’s Day function was celebrated on 08.03.2023 and Ms.Saritha Jo, Speaker, Writer and Story Teller, Erode, Chennai was the chief guest.
  • A Three Day Mega College Bazaar has been organised in association with the State rural rehabilitation mission from 27.03.2023 to 29.03.2023 in our campus. Self help groups from various districts of Tamilnadu have participated and displayed their products for sale in 46 stalls and the total sales were around Rs. 1, 91,000.
  • A one day “International Women’s Day Celebrations-2022” was organized on 08.03.2022. Dr. Soundaravalli Kulandaisamy, former Regional Director, IGNOU, New Delhi was the resource person.
  • Extension Activity to Government High School, Velliraveli was organized on 11.03.2022. 100 students were benefitted.
  • 31.07.2020: WDC Activities Inauguration 2020-2021 Chief Guest Mrs. Mahalakshmi Saravanan, Founder, Women Entrepreneurs India, Internationally recognized Social Entrepreneur & TEDx Speaker, Chennai has delivered a lecture on the topic பெண்ணே நீ ஆளுமை
  • 08.03.2021 Women's Day Celebrations Smt. M. Hemalatha IPS, Deputy Commissioner of Police, Kozhikode City, Kerala delivered a Special talk on "Cyber Crime against Women and Children"
  • 20.03.2021 Awareness Programme on Cleanliness and Hygiene WDC in association JCI Erode, Green City was conducted with Chief Guest Ms. R K JAYANTHI, Founder, Smart Kids Pregnancy Caring Center, Erode
  • 2019-2020 Academic Year Activities Inaugural Function was started with Dr. Dhivya Vasudevan, Proprietrix, Agro Green Biolife, Coimbatore as Chief Guest on 08.08.2019.
  • Our WDC in association with Meenakshi School of Fine Arts, Erode has organized a workshop on Jute Bag Making for the interested girl students on 22.08.2019.
  • Our WDC in association with Meenakshi School of Fine Arts, Erode has organized a workshop on Jewel Making for the interested girl students on 22.08.2019.
  • 03.09.2019 Yoga Programme A need based programme has been arranged for our girl students and female faculty members with the help of Ms.C.Arunadevi, Yoga Trainer, Erode.
  • From 04.09.2019 To 06.09.2019, A Mega College Bazaar in association with the State Rural Rehabilitation Mission to motivate the Self Help Groups of Tamil Nadu with 45 stalls from various districts. The total turnover was Rs. Rs.2,34,850.
  • Campus Cleaning Activity was carried by WDC staff and student executive members on every Saturday in our College Campus.
  • 22.01.2020 Workshop on Hand Embroidery Mrs. P Sasikala, Consultant in Anchor Educational Service, Madura Coats Private Limited, Chennai has taught varieties of stitches to the interested girls' students
  • 03.02.2020 Awareness about Self-Vigilance and Self-Defense Training was conducted for the Final year UG and PG girl students by Mr. R.V.B. Madhavan, Founder Trustee, Aram Foundations, Coimbatore
  • 04.02.2020 Social Activity Programme WDC members has participated and explained the following topics "To create an awareness on Child Marriage, Government Schemes for Tribes, Menstrual Hygiene and Disorders, Pre and Post Pregnancy related issues for the tribal people" under the camp organized by Department of Social Work at Government High School, Bujapalayam, Gundri Village, Sathyamangalam Block, Erode District and denoted a steel bero and stationaries for 200 students
  • Our WDC has organized various competitions for the Women's Day Celebrations to the girl students and female faculty members from 05.02.2020 to 10.02.2020
  • 21.02.2020 Workshop on Glass Painting Ms. G. Vasumathi, Assistant Professor in Costume Design and Fashion, NIFT- TEA college of knitwear Fashion, Tirupur and interested girls' students got trained
  • 25.02.2020 WDC, Department of Social Work and Erode Cancer Centre has jointly organized a Cancer Awareness Programme and the resource persons were Rev.Father S. Pushpraj, Director of CEEMA, Dr. Magendran MCH, Cancer Homeo Psychologist and Mr. Rozoriyo, Programme officer, Erode Cancer Centre for the girl students
  • 07.03.2020 Organized One day Gender Equity programme for both genders of our college and special talk was delivered by Session I: Health Issues, Dr.C.Deepa/Assistant Professor & Head-Department of Biotechnology, KASC Session II: Gender Equity, Dr.V.Anbumani /Associate Professor & Head-Department of Hindi & Other languages, KASC Session III: Safety and Security, Dr.N.Raman / Principal, KASC
  • 29.05.2020 organized a Webinar on "ஒரு தாய் நூறு ஆசிரியருக்கு சமம் " The Chief Guest was Mrs. J. K. Mahalakshmi, Teacher, GTR High School, Arasavelli, Tiruvannamalai District for the faculty members
  • A Demonstration about Hygienic Sanitary Pads was conducted by Mrs. Kavitha Shanmugam, Perundurai on 19/07/2018.
  • Inaugural Function for the Silver Jubilee Year was started with Squadron Leader M.P.Shumathi, Indian Air Force (Helicopter Pilot), Jam Nagar, Gujarat as Chief Guest on 04.09.2018.
  • Campus Cleaning Activity was carried by WDC staff and student executive members on every Saturday in our College Campus.
  • WDC and SHE committee has jointly organized the NCW sponsored – Nationwide Competition exam on Legal Rights for Women for both boys' and girls' students in our campus on 19.12.2018 (FN).
  • WDC and SHE committee has jointly organized an Awareness Programme on Safety Measures for Women Students Inside the Campus by our Principal Dr. N. Raman on 19.12.2018 (AN).
  • Our WDC in association with Hindustan Unilever limited - "Rexona Confidence Academy" has organized a workshop on Personality Development and Grooming with Ms. Anjuman Bhanu, Trainer, Rexona Confidence Academy as guest on 24.01.2019 (FN).
  • Awareness Programme on PCOS - Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome was organized with Dr. D. Malarvizhi M.B.B.S., D.G.O., Chief Civil Surgeon, Govt. Taluk Hospital, Gobichettipalayam as chief guest on 24.01.2019 (AN).
  • Our WDC has organized various competitions for the Women's Day Celebrations to the girls' students and female faculty members from 28.01.2019 to 31.01.2019.
  • Yoga Programme on Breathe Regulations is Life Celebrations was organized with guest(s) Ms. Priya Menon-Director & Faculty & Ms. T.M. Poornima Devi – Living Instructor, The Art of Living, Coimbatore for the interested female faculty members, girl students of UG second year and PG first year on 01.02.2019.
  • Our WDC in association with Meenakshi School of Fine Arts, Erode has organized a workshop on Fabric Painting for the interested girl students on 02.02.2019.
  • Awareness Programme on Cervical Cancer was organized for the women faculty members with Dr. A.K. Vidhya M.Sc., M.Phil, P.hD Associate Professor & Head, Department of Biochemistry, Kongu Arts and Science College (Autonomous), Erode on 04.02.2019.
  • Awareness Programme on Adolescence Food Habits, Fitness and First Aid Tips was organized with chief guest Dr. M. Subramani M.B.B.S., Vishnu Clinic, Punjai Pulliyampatti on 06.02.2019 (FN).
  • Awareness Programme on Cleanliness and Hygiene was organized with chief guest Dr. K.S. RAMADEVI D.C.P., D.G.O., Consultant Obstetrician and Gynecologist, Krishna Medical Centre, Perundurai on 06.02.2019 (AN).
  • Women's Day and Valedictory Function was celebrated with Tmt. N. Krishnaveni M.A., B.Ed., M.Phil., Headmistress, Panchayat Union Middle School, Muthur as chief guest on 25.03.2019
  • 17.07.2017 WDC Activities Inauguration 2017 – 2018 Ms. Aarti C Rajaratnam, Leading Psychologist, NLP Master Trainer, Salem delivered a lecture on Values, Ethics and Gender Issues.
  • From 19.07.2017 to 21.07.2017, A Mega College Bazaar in association with the State Rural Rehabilitation Mission to motivate the Self Help Groups of Tamil Nadu with 36 stalls from various districts. The total turnover was Rs. Rs.1,60,091.
  • 16.08.2017 Menstrual Disorders and Related Issues Awareness Programme by Dr. Kavitha Elil Saravanan (Obstetrics and Gynaecology) Kovai Medical Centre and Hospital, Erode. Faculty members and final PG students attended the session. Common and Specific problems were discussed.
  • 19.08.2017 Artificial Flower Making Workshop was conducted by R.Kalpana Thurika Kalai. 73 students and staff members participated and got trained.
  • 29.11.2017 Legal rights of Women A Nationwide competition sponsored by National Commission for Women, New Delhi for both male and female students and cash prizes will be awarded.
  • As an extension activity, WDC members participated in the Book fair organised at Govt. Hr. Sec. School, Elumathur by Bharathi Puthagalayam, Erode and our Correspondent inaugurated the Book fair and donated Atlas Books for 200 students.
  • 24.01.2018 our students participated in Sister Nivethitha's 150th Birth Anniversarycelebrations at Vellalar College for Women, Erode and Smt. Kalaimamani Andal Priyadharshini, Station director, Doordharshan addressed the students. An awareness Rath Yatra was organized from Coimbatore to Chennai.
  • 31.01.2018 and 02.02.2018 The Art of Surya Namaskar A need based programme has been arranged for our girl students with the help of Ms.K.M.Jeyalakshmi, DPT, Yoga, MIAT, IMAGO (Centre for Women Health and Fitness).
  • 05.30.2018 Cancer awareness Programme was conducted by Dr P.Balaji, Coimbatore Cancer Foundation and Healthy Sanitation by Mrs. S.Kalpanadevi and Mrs.L.Hemalatha from Unicare International, Erode.
  • 08.03.2018 Women's Day Celebrations speech by A. Arulmozhi, Advocate, Chennai and Women Development Cell Activities Valedictory programme. Various competitions have been conducted for the members of WDC (both staff and students) in association with the Women's day celebrations to exhibit their talents in the month of February 2018. The prize winners were honoured in the Women's Day Celebrations.
  • Updated on 07th March 2025 [News and Events]

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