Examination Section

At the end of each semester, we conduct regular examinations for UG and PG. The students who have earned 75 percent of the attendance in each semester are permitted to appear for the University examinations. To qualify for a pass, a student should secure a minimum 50% marks in the examination, in case of PG and M.Phil. Exams and 40% in case of UG programme.

Conferment of the Degree

No candidate shall be eligible for conferment of the Degree unless he / she

  • i. Has undergone the prescribed course of study for a period of not less than six semesters in an institution approved by/affiliated to the University or has been exempted from in the manner prescribed and has passed the examinations as have been prescribed therefor.
  • ii. Has completed all the components prescribed under Parts I to Part V in the CBCS pattern to earn 140 credits.
  • iii. Has successfully completed the prescribed Field Work/ Institutional Training as evidenced by certificate issued by the Principal of the College.

  • Ranking

    A candidate who qualifies for the UG degree course passing all the examinations in the first attempt, within the minimum period prescribed for the course of study from the date of admission to the course and secures I or II class shall be eligible for ranking and such ranking shall be confined to 10 % of the total number of candidates qualified in that particular branch of study, subject to a maximum of 10 ranks. The improved marks shall not be taken into consideration for ranking.

    S.No Name Designation Department Position
    1 Dr. S.Suresh Associate Professor Mathematics Coordinator
    2 Dr. A.R.Karthekeyan Assistant Professor Computer Science (UG) Member
    3 Dr. M.Arul Raja Assistant Professor Business Administration with Computer Applications Member
    4 Mr. K.Elavarasan Assistant Professor Tamil Member
    5 Mr. M.Deivasigamani Junior Assistant Exam Section
    6 Mr. S.Ravi Record Clerk Exam Section
    7 Mr. A.Satheesh Junior Assistant Exam Section Computer Operator
    Updated on 07th March 2025 [News and Events]

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