College Rules


The candidates for UG and PG Programmes shall be admitted as per the norms prescribed by the Bharathiar University, Coimbatore and as per the regulations specified by the Government of Tamil Nadu.


Candidates selected at the interview shall remit the fees immediate. The second& third year students shall pay the fees within 15 days after the reopening of the College. If a student fails to pay fees on the due date, fine will be imposed. If the fee is not paid within a month, the student's name will be removed from the roll. If re-admitted, the student should pay a re-admission fees in addition to the fine due.

Attendance Requirements

Students should not be absent for the College without valid reasons. In case of leave for genuine reasons, a leave letter should be submitted to the Head of the Department concerned. In case of absence without prior permission, the leave letter should be submitted on the first day of his/her return to the College. Medical certificate should accompany the leave application in case of leave due to sickness for more than 3 days. If a student is absent for an hour in a session, without getting permission from the staff concerned he/she will be considered absent for that session.

Proforma - I

Shall contain the list of candidates who have earned 75% of attendance and above in the current semester and who are eligible to write the examinations.

Proforma II

Shall contain the list of candidates who have earned attendance between 65% and 74% (both included) in the current semester.

Proforma - III

Shall contain the list of all candidates who have earned attendance between 55% and 64% (both included) in the current semester. Such candidates are not eligible to write the examination in current semester courses but are permitted to continue their studies in their next semester provided that it is the first time that the candidates earned attendance is between 55% and 64% or else the candidates have to discontinue the course and re-join in the next semester with proper approval of the registrar of Bharathiar University. However these candidates are eligible to write arrear subjects, if any.

Proforma IV

Shall contain the list of candidates who have earned Attendance of 54% and below. They are not eligible to write their examination in Current Semester Courses and also have to discontinue the Programme and re-join in the same semester in the next year with proper approval of the Registrar of Bharathiar University. These candidates are eligible to write arrear subjects, if any.

Proforma - V

Shall contain the list of candidates who have earned attendance between 55 % and 64% in the previous semester and earned combined attendance of 75% or more by taking the average of the attendance earned combined with current and previous semesters. These candidates are eligible to write previous courses along with the Current semester Courses.

Proforma VI

Shall contain the list of candidates who have earned attendance between 55% to 64% in the previous semester and earned combined attendance between 65 % and 75% by taking the average of the attendance earned in current and previous semesters. Such candidates are eligible for condonation of shortage of attendance by the Principal by paying the CONDONATION FEE and are eligible to write previous semester courses along with the current semester courses..

Proforma - VII

Shall contain the list of candidates who have earned attendance between 55% to 64 % in the previous semester and earned combined attendance between 64 % and below by taking the average of the attendance earned in the current and previous semesters. Such candidates are not eligible to write the examination of previous and current semester courses and shall discontinue the programme and re-join to continue the previous semester of study in the next academic year with proper approval from the Registrar of Bharathiar University. However, these candidates are eligible to write arrear courses, if any.

Proforma VIII

Shall contain the list of candidates who are eligible to appear for current Semester courses i.e. whose names are given in proforma I/II/V/VI but who have not paid exam fees and have not registered tor current semester courses.

  • The Library functions on all working days.
  • UG students will be given two library cards and PG students will be given five library cards at the beginning of the year Library books will be issued only on producing the library cards Only books will be issued per card. Reference Books and Journals will not be lent out.
  • In case, the card is lost it should be informed to the librarian immediately in writing. A duplicate card will be issued on payment of Rs. 25/-
  • All books borrowed from the library should be returned on the due date marked on the date-slip or when asked by the Librarian. Return of books will be accepted in the forenoon and issue will be made in the afternoon.
  • If a book is not returned on the due date, a fine of Rs.1/-per day will be levied.
  • All books must be returned to the library four days before the closure of each semester
  • In case, a borrowed book is lost, the latest price of the book will be collected from the defaulter along with other charges if any.
  • Photo copying facility is available from 10,00 6.00 p.m. in the Library.
  • Strict silence should be observed inside the Library.
  • Students must conduct themselves in such a way as not to bring discredit to the College or to themselves. They should be refined in behaviour and should show due respect to the authority.
  • Students are expected to be neat, clean and simple in their dress. They must confirm to the standards often modesty maintained by the Institution.
  • The girls should wear only Chudidhar/ Saree (not to wear leggings or short tops or sleeveless) black cut shoes and the boys should wear only Full pant and formal Shirt (Half- Sleeve/ Full - Sleeve) with black formal shoes. They should not wear shirts bearing pictures and printed matters. T- Shirts and casual/ Sportive Jeans (Multi – Pockets with stripes in fading colour) are totally banned inside the campus. Boys should be in clean shave and short formal haircut.
  • Uniform for all boys and girls is mandatory on Fridays and for all important college functions.
  • Identity Card will be issued to the students soon after the admission and it should be produced on demand. Students should wear the identity Card at all the time inside the campus. Students who lost their ID Cards shall make a written request to the Principal for a duplicate identity Card.
  • Students should be punctual to the classes. A student shall not enter or leave the class without the permission of the staff.
  • Strict silence should be observed during the class hours and inside the College premises.
  • Students should acquaint themselves with the notification put on the College Notice Board, regularly. Excuses will not be given on failing to comply with it.
  • Students are forbidden from organizing meetings in the College or collecting money for any purpose. Books, Magazines and other materials that are not approved by the Principal will not be permitted in the College premises.
  • Students are expected to take proper care of the College property and they should help in keeping the premises neat and clean. Disfiguring the walls and doors or breaking the furniture is a breach of discipline and will be severely be punished.
  • Students who come to College by own vehicle should hold a valid driving license along with other necessary documents and helmet.
  • Using Mobile phone in the College Campus is strictly prohibited. Failing, the mobile phone will be seized and will be returned only after the completion of the Degree Programme with penalty.
  • Breach of any of the above rules will lead to disciplinary action resulting even in expulsion.
  • In Case, any criminal case is registered against a student by the law enforcing authorities, he/she should intimate the same within 24 hours to the Principal.
  • Under Tamil Nadu Educational rules, the Principal has authority to give the following punishments to bring about constructive change among the students (i) Fines (ii) Loss of attendance (iii) Loss of term certificate (iv) Suspension (v) Expulsion.
  • The Head of the Institution has the power to take disciplinary action against an erring student.

The Government of Tamilnadu has passed an Act prohibiting Ragging. Act. No.7 of Prohibition of Ragging Act 1997 curtails ragging. As per the Act, Ragging within or outside the Education Institution is prohibited.

Whoever directly or indirectly commits, participates in, abets or propagates "Ragging", within or outside the Educational Institution, shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which extends to two years and shall also be liable to a fine which may extend to Rs.10,000/- Any student convicted of an offence under Section 4 shall also be dismissed from the Educational Institution and such student will not be admitted in any other Educational Institutions. By the very fact of joining the College, students agree to observe the rules and regulations of the College.

The decision of the Principal will be the final in all matters of discipline and enforcement of rules. Depending upon the nature of the offence as established by the Anti- Ragging Curb Committee of the College the punishments for those who found to be guilty of ragging shall be Suspended/ Debarred.

Updated on 12th February 2025 [News and Events]

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