The KASC Student Council has been framed to enhance the student progression in cohesive with the learning of academic and administrative participation. This imparts the qualities of leadership role play and team coordination among the students.
The Student Council is framed with the willing, outperforming students. The council members are selected from representatives of all classes of the college.
Through the above-mentioned cells and Clubs the students are improving their skills by participating in the events conducted outside the college as well. When they travel to other institutions and other locations the knowledge and the vision of the students have been broadened and enhanced.
All these co-curricular, sports and fine arts activities and programmes are organized by the student representatives, members or ambassadors of the corresponding cell or club.
The selected council members along with the student representatives contribute their time, knowledge, technical and non-technical activity for the smooth, successful conduct of the programmes arranged for the wellness of students.
Council members extend their participation in organizing Faculty Development Programmes and Technical programmes as well.
The college has number of cells, clubs and forums to conduct the student upliftment programmes. In particular each department is having its own association to conduct programme-oriented activities. Hence the students of each department can pave a path in organizing various events and they can come out of their fears and bring out their hidden talents. The students involving in the following activities:
The college is registered with Institution Innovation Council of MoE, Government of India which guides the students to improve their innovation culture and turn their minds in the direction of start-ups and entrepreneurship.
Learning Development Cell is the student progression cell. This cell accelerates the students to have additional knowledge with online self-learning. This cell is having ambassadors from each class and they encourage other students to improve their co-curricular activities.
Women Development Cell conducts skill-oriented programs for the empowerment of female students in which the student-executives involve in organizing the programs.
Science ForumThe students actively involving in the science projects as well when the programmes are organized for the school children or other institution students the students are helping to organize the programmes.
The Placement Cell has representatives from each class. These student representatives collect the academic data from the students of their class and help to maintain the student database in Placement cell for job and career-oriented programmes.
The Entrepreneur Development Cell guides the students to become a good entrepreneur. The student members of this cell have been given training and guidance about the entrepreneur development where the student member inturn deliver the same to their classmates. This cell members take part in the activities of giving the awareness about starting and making business to non-members and also to the society.
The Sports club representatives organize the sports events. These students take part in all the activities of sports department like maintaining the instruments, giving training to the juniors to use the instruments, coaching the team mates and juniors etc. The selected sports students maintain the sports data of the students.
The Fine Arts club the students interestingly participating and showing their talents.
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