Citizen Consumer Club

Citizen Consumer Club(CCC) was established in our College during the year 2008. The objective of CCC is to educate the students about the rights of Consumers as stated in Consumer Protection Act, 1986. The club disseminates information gained through consumer clubs among their fellow students as well as among the people living in their respective locality.

Consumer Rights as stipulated under Consumer Protection Act 1986 are

  1. Right to Safety
  2. Right to be informed
  3. Right to Choose
  4. Right to be heard
  5. Right to seek Redressal
  6. Right to Consumer Education
  7. Right to Basic needs
  8. Right to a healthy environment
The motto of Citizen Consumer Club is AWARE, ALERT AND ACT

Our College CCC is conducting various programmes relating to consumer rights, awareness and responsibilities for the benefit of the students. Our consumer club also conducts various competitions for students such as essay writing, poetry and drawing competition.

Complaints and Contacts

  • Government of Tamil Nadu
    Civil Supplies & Consumer Protection Department,
    Ezhilagam, Chennai-5.
    Phone : 044-28583222 / 28583422
    Web :
    E. mail :

  • If you have any grievance/complaint relating to any drug/ cosmetic,
    you may file it with the Local Drug Inspector or with
    The Controller of Drugs,
    259/261 Anna Salai,
    Chennai 600 006
    Phone: 044 24321830 or in the web at
    Can make online complaints at
S.No Name Designation Department Position
1 Dr.K.K.A.Alaguappan Associate Professor & Head CSCA & PA Coordinator
2 Ms. R. Kokilavani Assistant Professor CS CA & PA Organizing Member

Date Programme Chief guest Venue No.of Participants
30/08/2023 Orientation Programme on “Consumer Protection Act” Mr.R.Balasubramanian, District Secretary, Erode Consumer Protection Centre Silver Jubilee Seminar Hall 113 Students
24/11/2023 World Millet Festival – Preparation of various Millet dishes Organised by Tamilnadu Civil Supplies and Erode Consumer Protection Centre Erode Collectorate 10 Students
22/02/2024 Standard Marks and Labels Mr.R.Balasubramanian, District Secretary, Erode Consumer Protection Centre Silver Jubilee Seminar Hall 71 Students
15/03/2024 World Consumer Rights Day Celebration Dr.H.Vasudevan, Principal, KASC AMB Room No 305 55 Students

Date Programme Chief guest Venue No.of Participants
26/09/2022 Orientation Programme on “Consumer Protection Act” Mr.R.Balasubramanian District Secretary, Erode Consumer Protection Centre Ramanujan Hall 68 Students
26/09/2022 Survey regarding the adherence of regulations relating to Distributor and User of LPG cylinder and on Cable TV operators Survey conducted in association with Erode District Consumer Protection Centre Erode and Tirupur District 200 Public People
18/01/2023 Detection of Food Adulteration Mr.R.Balasubramanian, District Secretary, Erode Consumer Protection Centre P.G.Seminar Hall 63 Students
15/03/2023 “World Consumer Rights Day”- Quiz Competition Organized by Erode District Consumer Protection Centre, Erode Vellalar College of Education, Thindal 5 Students

Date Programme Chief guest Venue No.of Participants
29/06/2020 An awareness Programme on ‘Health Care and Consumers’ Mr. R.Balasubramanian, District Secretary , Erode Consumer Protection Centre. Online Google Meet 68 Students
12/11/2020 An awareness Programme on “Consumer Protection Act” Mr. R.Balasubramanian, District Secretary , Erode Consumer Protection Centre. Online Google Meet 65 Students

Date Programme Chief guest Venue No.of Participants
16/07/2019 Orientation Programme on the topic “Consumer Protection Act” Mr. R.Balasubramanian , District Secretary , Erode Consumer Protection Centre. P.G. Seminar Hall 110 Students
06/08/2019 Standards of Weights and Measures Mr. R.Balasubramanian , District Secretary , Erode Consumer Protection Centre.   P.G. Seminar Hall 105 Students
05/12/2019 Food Safety and Standards Mr. R.Balasubramanian , District Secretary , Erode Consumer Protection Centre.   P.G. Seminar Hall 110 Students
11/12/2019 Survey on maintenance of Tamil Nadu State Transport Corporation Survey in association with Erode Consumer Protection Centre. Erode Bus stand 12 Students
27/01/2020 Competitions marking National Consumer Day Topic: Poetry -“Consumer ignorance on TV advertisements”. Elocution – “Consumer safety on modern consumables” Drawing – “Avoiding food waste” Judges: KASC Staff. Poetry & Elocution - Mr. P.Annadurai & Mr.S.Surendran Drawing –Dr.K.M.Kumaraguru & H.Vasudevan. Library 50 Students
05/02/2020 “National Consumer Day celebration cum Awareness Exhibition”. Mrs. S.Kavitha, District Revenue Officer, Ms.K.Karpagavalli, District Civil Supplies and Consumer officer, Mr.R.Balamurali, CEO, Dr.T..Kalaivani, Designated Officer, FSSAI, Mr.D.Baladhandayutham, Assistant Commissioner (Enforcement), Department of Labour and Legal Metrology and Mr. R.Balasubramanian, District Secretary, Consumer Protection Centre, Erode UVS Hall 500 Students

Date Programme Chief guest Venue No.of Participants
21/08/2018 Orientation Programme on the topic “Consumer Protection Act” Mr. R.Balasubramanian , District Secretary , and Mr. S.Udayakumar, Executive Member, Erode Consumer Protection Centre. Smart Class Room – Science Block 110 Students
29/01/2019 Programme on the topic “Standard Marks and Labels”. Mr. R.Balasubramanian, District Secretary, Consumer Protection Centre, Erode P.G.Seminar Hall 95 Students
05/02/2019 “National Consumer Day celebration cum Awareness Exhibition”. Mrs. S.Kavitha, District Revenue Officer, Mr. C.Jeyaraman, District Civil Supplies and Consumer officer, Dr. T.Kalaivani, Designated Officer, FSSAI, Mr. D.Baladhandayutham, Assistant Commissioner (Enforcement), Department of Labour and Legal Metrology and Mr. R.Balasubramanian, District Secretary, Consumer Protection Centre, Erode Auditorium   750 Students
25/02/2019 “Misleading Advertisement – Role of Advertisement Standard Council of India” Mr. R.Balasubramanian, District Secretary, Consumer Protection Centre, Erode P.G.Seminar Hall 105 Students

Date Programme Chief guest Venue No.of Participants
07/08/2017 Orientation Programme on the topic “Consumer Protection Act” Mr. R.Balasubramanian , District Secretary , Erode Consumer Protection Centre. P.G. Seminar Hall 120 Students
12/09/2017 “Standards of Weights and Measures” Mr. R.Balasubramanian , District Secretary , Erode Consumer Protection Centre. P.G. Seminar Hall 120 Students
25/10/2017 World Consumer Rights Day celebration Organized by Erode District Supply Officer & Erode District Consumer Protection Centre Erode. Kalaimagal Girls Higher Secondary School, Erode. 25 Students
02/02/2018 “Food Safety and Standards” Mr. R.Balasubramanian , District Secretary , Erode Consumer Protection Centre. P.G. Seminar Hall 110 Students
13/03/2018 World Consumer Rights Day celebrations Organized by Erode District Consumer Protection Centre Erode. Kongu Engineering College, Perundurai. 25 Students
Updated on 07th March 2025 [News and Events]

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