About the Department
The Department was established in the year 1995. The main objective
of the Department is to equip the students and to provide an avenue for Biochemists
so as to contribute substantially to the future prosperity of our community. The
Department offers a broad based multidisciplinary course guaranteeing employment in
a variety of sectors viz., Pharmaceutical industry, Clinical and Forensic Science
Laboratories, Agrochemical Companies, Food /Beverages Industries, Public Health
Laboratories, Cosmetic Industries, Environmental Pollution Control, Safety and
Quality Control, Medical Transcription, Medical Coding etc., Scientific research
prospects in Research Institutes specialized in Genetic engineering, Clinical
trials, Clinical database Management etc.,
- To equip the students with Systematic knowledge, Skills and Scientific
understanding and provide an avenue for Biochemists so as to contribute
significantly to the future prosperity of our community.
- To recognize the potential of individual students and ensure they meet their
career ambitions and life goals.
- Continuing experimentation in the use of new technologies to support more
effective teaching and extend educational opportunities.
- Enhance Research activities for better Standards and Excellence in Teaching,
Research and Consultancy Programs.
- Emphasizing service as an integral part of teaching and life-long learning.
Courses Offered
- B.Sc. (Biochemistry)
Candidates who have passed +2 examinations conducted by the
Board of Higher Secondary Education, Government of Tamil Nadu with Physics/
Botany/ Zoology/ Nursing/ Biochemistry/ Agricultural Science/ Computer
Science/ Home Science along with Chemistry / Biology as one of the main
subject or DMLT or Diploma in Pharmacy (or) Pharmacology (or) Diploma in
Health Science are eligible to join this programme.
Duration of the course
3 Years; Full Time
- M.Sc. (Biochemistry)
B.Sc Biochemistry / Biotechnology / Bioinformatics/
Microbiology / Life sciences / Botany/ Zoology / Nutrition & Dietetics /
Chemistry / Polymer chemistry / Industrial chemistry / Applied Chemistry /
Clinical Lab Technology / Medical Lab Technology
Duration of the course
2 Years; Full Time
- M.Phil (Biochemistry)
PG degree in Biochemistry/ its related field of medicine
Duration of the course
Full Time / Part Time
- Ph.D (Biochemistry)
As per Bharathiar University Norms
Duration of the course
Full Time / Part Time
Value Added Course
The Department of Biochemistry funded under DBT STAR COLLEGE SCHEME is well equipped
to perform research in different areas of biology with
- UG Biochemistry Lab
- PG Biochemistry lab with computer facility
- Microbiology lab
- Plant Tissue culture lab
Sophisticated biochemical laboratory equipments such as
- Spectrophotometers
- UV/Visible Spectrophotometer
- Refrigerated centrifuges
- Fluorimeter
- PCR machine
- Flame Photometer
- High Speed Centrifuges
- Statfax 2000 semiauto analyser
- Laminar flow chamber etc.
- Millipore Double Distillation water Unit
- Digital Food Tester
- Digital TDS meter
Association Activities
- Blood group identification for all the first year Undergraduate and Postgraduate students was done by the II B.Sc students of our department on 13.08.2024.
- Biochemistry Department conducted the Intradepartment Competition-Express & Impress – Bioflair’24 for Biochemistry students on 09.08.2024 and Biobrainz Quiz Competition on 13.08.2024 as a part of Biochemistry Association Inaguration.
- Biochemistry Association - Symbion’24 activities were inaugurated by Chief guest Ms. Anitha Gopal (Alumna), Team manager, Cognizant Technology Solutions, Coimbatore on 14.08.2024. She also interacted with the students on Topic “Navigating careers in Biochemistry: Opportunity in the information and Technology Industry”.
- Blood Donation Camp was conducted on 23.08.2024 in association with Lions Club of Erode, Midtown and JCI, Erode. About 205 students donated blood. Erode Government Hospital and Lions Blood Bank collected the blood units for the noble cause.
- Eco Club in association with the Department of Biochemistry has organized an Extension Programme on Cleaning Activity at Vellode Birds Sanctuary, Erode by Biochemistry students on 31.08.2024.
- Department of Biochemistry in association with Entrepreneurship development Cell organized an Awareness program on “Sustainable Development Goals: Good Health and Well Being” with Ms.A.Jenifer Gladious, Founder & Managing Trustee of Erode Parenting Hub on 11.09.2024.
- Biochemistry Department in association with Anti-Drug Committee organized an Awareness programme on “Impact of Drug Abuse on Mental Health” with Dr.R.Sivakumar, Drug Inspector, Erode Zone, Department of Drugs Control, Tamil Nadu as the Guest of Honor on 18.09.2024.
- KASC DBT Star Departments (Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Mathematics, Computer Science and Physics) organized an Induction Programme for the First year Students of Star Departments on 27.09.2024 with Dr.R.Rajendran. Mentor - DBT Star College Scheme, former Principal and Associate Professor, Department of Microbiology, PSG College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore as Resource person.
- Eco Club in association with the Department of Biochemistry have organized the Content Creation Contest as a part of World Environment Day 2024 Theme Celebration - “Our Land, Our Future” from 27.12.2024 to 31.12.2024 through Online Platform (Google Forms) and 21 students posted their creative content.
- Department of Biochemistry organized a One day hands on Workshop on “Adavanced immunohematology and Blood banking techniques” at Lions Club of Erode Supreme Charitable Trust Blood Centre, Erode on 31.12.2024.
- Eco Club in association with the Department of Biochemistry have organized the Extension Activity - Awareness Programme on Single Use Plastics (SUPs) Usage Reduction by distributing the Pamphlets to Kanjikoil Village public on 31.12.2024. The pamphlets are distributed by Eco Club volunteers.
- Blood Donation Camp was conducted on 30.01.2025 in association with Lions Club of Erode, Midtown, Erode. About 251 students donated blood. Erode Government Hospital, Government Erode Medical College and Hospital, Tamil Nadu Voluntary Blood Bank and Research Centre, Erode and Lions Blood Bank collected the blood units.
- Biochemistry Department in association with Anti-Drug Committee organizes a Drug Awareness Speech on “Youth Against Drugs: Choosing Life Over Addiction” for all PG Classes on 31.01.2025.
- Biochemistry Department in association with Anti-Drug Committee organized an Online Poster making competition on “போதைப்பொருள் துஷ்பிரயோகத்தின் ஆபத்துகள்” for creating drug awareness among students on 07.02.2025.
- Eco Club in association with the Department of Biochemistry have organized the Drawing and Slogan Writing Competitions on the “Impact of single-use plastics on the Environment and Sustainable Alternatives” from 15.02.2025 to 21.02.2025 through Online Platform (Google Forms) and 21 students posted have actively participated in these competitions.
- Department of Biochemistry organized a one day visit to Texvalley, Erode on 15.02.2025 and our Biochemistry students had an inspiring interaction with legendary Personality Dr.Sultan Ahmed Ismail, Soil Biologist and Ecologism, Member-Tamilnadu State Planning Commission, Chennai.
Faculty Achievement
- Dr.A.K.Vidya, Associate Professor and Head, Department of Biochemistry received ‘Distinguished Educator Award’ at the Coimbatore leadership Awards presented by the World HRD Congress in Collaboration with CHRO Asia during May 2024.
Student Achievements
- Ms. S.Yamunapriya and Ms.K.Thagana, II B.Sc. Biochemistry won First and Third Place respectively in the Poster Making Competition on Constitution Day organized by Department of Political Science, Erode Arts and Science College held on 08.01.2025.
Funded Programme
- Departments of Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Computer Science and Physics organized a Five day Inservice Training programme for Science Teachers of Erode District catalysed and supported by Tamil Nadu State Council for Science and Technology (TNSCST), Chennai with a grant amount of Rs.90,000/- from 08.01.2024 to 12.01.2024.
Onsite visit of DBT officials
- DBT Officials Dr.Garima Gupta and Dr.Abhishek Kumar Mehta conducted an onsite evaluation of our college's participation in the Star College Scheme, acknowledging our advanced infrastructure, innovative academic programs, and engaged faculty during 4-6 July 2023. Their assessment highlighted the positive impact of the scheme on student performance, research output, and overall scientific culture.
Association Activities
- Biochemistry Association - Symbion’23 activities was inaugurated by Chief guest Dr.G.Vijayalakshmi, Former Deputy Director, CSIR - Central Food Technological Research Institute (CFTRI), Mysore on 07.08.2023.
- Biochemistry Department conducted the Intradepartment Competition-Express & Impress – Bioflair’23 for Biochemistry students on 25.08.2023. The Winner and Runner Trophy were awarded to III B.Sc & II B.Sc Class students respectively.
- Biochemistry Department in association with Department of Biotechnology and Physics organised a Faculty Development programme on “Virtual Lab – learner’s Prespective” in tandem with Value Virtual Labs – Amrita Virtual Lab on 19.09.2023 and the Resource Persons were Mr.P.F.Saneesh and Ms.N.Nijin, Amrita Virutal Lab, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amritapuri, Kollam, Kerala.
- Blood Donation Camp was conducted on 27.09.2023 in association with Lions Club of Erode, Midtown and JCI, Erode. About 353 students donated blood and Erode Government Hospital, Government Erode Medical College and Hospital and Lions Blood Bank collected the blood units.
- Blood group identification for all the first year Undergraduate and Postgraduate students was done by the II B.Sc students of our department on 30.09.2023.
- Biochemistry Department arranged a Two Day Workshop on “Sequence Analysis and Molecular Docking” for Biochemistry students from 20.12.2023 to 21.12.2023 and Dr.N.Jeyakumar, professor and Head, Department of Bioinformatics, Bharathiar University Coimbatore was the Resource Person.
- Our Biochemistry Department organised Guest Lecture on ‘Basic Cell Culture Techniques” with Ms. V.Keerthana (Alumni), TANSCHE – Junior Research Fellow, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore as the Resource Person on 20.01.2024.
- A Guest Lecture was arranged for Students of Biochemistry on “Innovation in Industrial Biochemistry” with Ms.V.Indhira (Alumni), Data Scientist, Cosmetic Research and Fragrance Expert, Michigan, USA as Resource Person on 31.01.2024.
- Biochemistry Department in association with Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Cell organised an Awareness Programme on “IPR: Indian Proespective” on 09.02.2024 and Mr.A.K.R.Shanmugham, Self-Awareness Trainer, Great Human Development Centre, Win Indian Academy, Coimbatore served as a Chief Guest.
- Biochemistry Department organised a One Day Workshop on “Plant Micro Techniques” on 17.02.2024 and Dr. P.Mehalingam, Associate Professor and Head, Department of Botany, Virudhunagar Hindu Nadars Senthilkumara Nadar College, Virudhunagar served as the Resource Person.
- The Biochemistry Department arranged a One Day Workshop on “Biochemistry Of Biogas Production and Alternative Feedstocks” with Dr.K.Chandrakumar , Associate Professor, Department of Biochemistry and Department of Renewable Energy Engineering, Tamilnadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore as the Resource Persons on 21.02.2024.
- Our Biochemistry Department organized an One day workshop on “Basic Techniques and Practices involved in In-Vivo Animal Research” exclusively for our III UG Biochemistry Students on 23.02.2024 at Nandha College of Pharamacy, Erode with Dr.S.Sengottuvelu, Professor, Department of Pharmacology, Nandha College of Pharamacy, Erode as Resource Person.
- STAR Departments (Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Mathematics, Computer Science and Physics) in association with KASC Science Forum celebrated National Science day on 28.02.2024 and conducted various competitions for Students. The competitons organised were Logo Designing, Poster making , Science Quiz, Science Model Exhibit, Content Creation, Start up – Innovative Ideas. Students enthusiastically participated in the competitions and the top three Winners in each event were given certificates along with Cash Award. Dr. R.Paramasivam, Retd.Scientist, Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre, ISRO was the Chief guest . On this occasion, Students of our College who have volunteered for humanitarian service and made a remarkable contribution to the Society were honored with ‘Responsible Citizen Award’.
Student Achievements
- Ms. S Juliya Sharon of II B.Sc Biochemistry student was selected for the prestigious ‘Summer Research Fellowship Programme- 2023’ jointly sponsored by IASC Bangalore, INSA New Delhi and NASI Allahabad programme at National Centre for Cell Science, Pune during May-July 2023 with a fellowship of Rs. 12,500/- per month.
Faculty Achievements
- 3 Patents (1 UK and 2 Indian Patents) were published by Faculty Members of Biochemistry Department.
- The departments of Biochemistry & Biotechnology in Association
with Anti Drug Committee organized Science Exhibition
Competition on “Drug Awareness” on 17.08.2022. Among 20 teams
participated, the Best 3 teams were awarded with Cash Prizes.
- The Department of Biochemistry conducted the Intradepartment
Competition-Express & Impress – Bioflair’22 for Biochemistry
students on 07.09.2022. The Winner and Runner Trophy were
awarded to III B.Sc & II B.Sc Class students respectively.
- The Department of Biochemistry organized Quiz Competition –
Biobrainz for Biochemistry students on 13.09.2022.
- The Biochemistry Association - Symbion’22 activity was
inaugurated by Chief guest Mr. V.P.S.Radhakrishnan, Managing
Director, M/s Angel Starch and Food Pvt Ltd, Erode on 14.09.2022
. On this occasion, the Biochemistry Department signed a MoU
with M/s Angel Starch and Food Pvt Ltd, Erode.
- The Department of Biochemistry organised a Guest Lecture on
“Viruses that could save millions of lives Antibiotics to
antibiotic resistance and phage therapy” on 29.09.2022 and the
Resource Person was Dr. Prasath Manohar, Research Scientist
(NIH-NIGMS), Center for Phage Technology (CPT), Department of
Biochemistry and Biophysics, Texaz A & M University, USA.
- The Star Departments (Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Mathematics,
Computer Science and Physics) of KASC was organized the Two Day
National Workshop on “EAT, CNA, SNA IN PFMS E-Governance’ from
06.10.2022 to 07.10.2022. Mr.S. Francis, Senior Accounts
Officer, Ministry of Finance, Govt. of India PFMS, New Delhi and
Dr.S. Mehalingham, PFMS Nodal Officer, V.H.N.Senthikumara Nadar
College (Autonomous), Virudhunagar served as Resource Persons.
- The Department of Biochemistry arranged Industrial Visit to
Ganesh Consultancy and Laboratory Services, Mysore for I B.Sc,
II B.Sc and II M.Sc Biochemistry students from 17.10.2022 to
- Department of Biochemistry arranged Industrial Visit to Malanadu
Co-operative Tea Factory, Vagamon for III B.Sc and I M.Sc
Biochemistry students from 17.10.2022 to 18.10.2022.
- The Star Departments (Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Mathematics,
Computer Science and Physics) of KASC conducted Students
Orientation Programme on “Leading Your Way to Achievement..!”
for first year star department students on 20.10.2022 and Ms.
Meera Natarajan, Educator, Mentor and NLP Trainer, Founder –
Success Programming, Pune was the the Resource person on the
- The Biochemistry Department in association with Institution
Innovation Council (IIC) & Entrepreneurship Development Cell
(EDC) organised the Entrepreneur Talk Series on 26.10.2022 and
Dr. D. Muthu, Managing Director, Primas Bioscience Pvt Ltd,
Coimbatore served as a Chief Guest.
- A Special Lecture on Innovation Based Research on 05.11.2022
Dr. J. Ghayathri, President – IIC KASC,Associate Professor,Department of Computer Science (PG), KASC
as the resource person
- The Biochemistry Department organised a Workshop on “Foldscope
and its Applications” with Dr.Anupma Harshal, Superheroes
against superbug fellow Consultant, Women in STEM, Science
Communication and Public Engagement to the Government of India,
Mumbai as the Resource Persons on 29.12.2022.
- Department of Biochemistry arranged Industrial Visit to
Seshasayee Paper and Boards Ltd, Pallipalayam for B.Sc
Biochemistry students on 03.01.2023 and on 05.01.2023.
- An Extension activity on “Health Care Camp for Government
School, Thimbam” was arranged in association with NSS, Kongu
Arts and Science College, Erode as a Part of DBT Star College
Scheme on 09.01.2023
- An Extension activity on “Health Care Camp” was arranged in
association with NSS, Kongu Arts and Science College, Erode at
Valayapalayam, Gobi on 14.02.2023.
- Blood Donation Camp was conducted on 15.02.2023 in association
with Lions Club of Erode, Midtown and JCI, Erode. About 353
students donated blood and Erode Government Hospital, Government
Erode Medical College and Hospital, Tamil Nadu Voluntary Blood
Bank and Research Centre, Erode and Lions Blood Bank collected
the blood units.
- An Extension activity on “Health Care Camp for Public” was
arranged for Public in association with M/s. Chem-Tech Bio Lab
at Kanakkampalayam, Tirupur on 20.02.2023.
- The Biochemistry Department organised a Two Day Workshop on
“Molecular Techniques” with Ms. V.Keerthana (Alumni), TANSCHE –
Junior Research Fellow, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore as the
Resource Person on 23.02.2023 and on 24.02.2023.
- STAR Departments (Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Mathematics,
Computer Science and Physics) in association with KASC Science
Forum celebrated National Science day on 28.02.2023 and
conducted various competitions for Students. The competitons
organised were Logo Designing, Poster making , Science Quiz,
Science Model Exhibit, Content Creation, Start up – Innovative
Ideas. Students enthusiastically participated in the
competitions and the top three Winners in each event were given
certificates along with Cash Award. Dr.Jayaprakash Natarajan,
Senior Consultant, Data analytics, Infosys, Bnagalore was the
Chief guest. On this occasion, Students of our College who have
volunteered for humanitarian service and made a remarkable
contribution to the Society were honored with ‘Responsible
Citizen Award’.
- The Biochemistry Department organised a Two Day Workshop on
“Cheminformatics” with Mr.R.Muthuswami, Technical consultant,
Bioxplora, Bengaluru as the Resource Person on 02.03.2023 and on
- The Department of Biochemistry arranged a Guest Lecture on
“Preparation for Competitive Examinations and Career Guidance in
Biochemistry” on 06.03.2023 and the Resource Person was
Ms.Shobana (Alumni), Industrial Cooperative Officer, Department
of Industries and Commerce, Government of Tamilnadu, Chennai.
- The Departments of Biochemistry and Biotechnology organised a
Faculty Development Program on “Emerging Trends in Biological
Research” on 27.04.2023 and the Resource Person was Dr.
Balasubramaniam Annamalai, Scientist, Ophthalmology Department,
Medical University of South Carolina, Charleston, USA
- 4th DBT Internal Advisory Committee Meeting for the Academic
year 2022-2023 was organized by the DBT Star Departments of
Kongu Arts and Science College on 12.05.2023 with Dr.
R.Rajendran, Former Principal and Associate Professor,
Department of Microbiology, PSG College of Arts and Science,
Coimbatore and Dr.R.Parvathi, Associate Professor and Head,
Department of Mathematics, Vellalar College for Women, Thindal
as Resource person.
The Department of Biotechnology, Ministry of
Science & Technology, Government of India has sanctioned "Star
College Scheme" in March 2019 for five Undergraduate Science
Departments viz., Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Computer Science,
Mathematics and Physics and sanctioned Rs 1.04 Crores.
The following are various common programmes
organized under DBT Star College Scheme the participating
- Star Departments donated Personal Protective Equipments and
Medical accessories to IRTT Hospital, Perundurai in support of
managing the Corona pandemic disease outbreak in Erode District.
We feel privileged to be a part of this humanitarian journey in
offering the possible help to them at the hour of need to fight
against the Pandemic Corona Virus crisis.
- An Induction Programme was conducted by the Department of
Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Mathematics, Computer Science and
Physics under DBT Star College Scheme for the First Year Star
department students on 26.08.2020. Dr. R.Rajendran, (External
Expert, DBT Star College Scheme Advisory Committee) Former
Principal and Associate Professor, Department of Microbiology,
PSG College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore was the Resource
Person and he addreesed the benefits of Star College Scheme to
the students.
- A Webinar Lecture Series on "Practising Biochemical Applications
Using Computational Biology" was arranged on 05.05.2020 with
Dr.Parthasarathi Ramakrishnan (Alumni), Principal Scientist,
CSIR- Indian Institute of Toxicology Research, Lucknow as the
Resource Person.
- A Webinar (Guest Lecture) on "Food technology" was jointly
organized by Biochemistry and Biotechnology Departments on
20.05.2020. Dr. Palanivel Ganesan (Alumni) Assistant Professor,
Nanotechnology Research Centre Department of Biomedical
Chemistry Konkuk University South Korea served as the Resource
Persons on the occasion.
- A Webinar (Guest Lecture) on "Apiculture" was jointly organized
by Biochemistry and Biotechnology Departments on 21.05.2020. Dr.
S.Balaji Assistant Professor, Department of Zoology, Ayya Nadar
Janaki Ammal College of Arts and Science, Sivakasi served as the
Resource Persons on the occasion.
- A Two-Day Faculty Development Program (National Level Webinar)
on "Impact of Emerging Technologies on Life Sciences" was
organized by Departments of Biochemistry and Biotechnology on
26.05.2020 and 27.05.2020. Dr.Sivaprakash Ramalingam (Alumni),
Principal Scientist ,CSIR- Institute of Genomics and Integrative
Biology (IGIB), New Delhi; Dr.Parthasarathi Ramakrishnan
(Alumni),Principal Scientist, CSIR- Indian Institute of
Toxicology Research, Lucknow; Dr. Krishna Veni Mishra ,
Professor, Department of Biochemistry, School of Life Sciences,
University of Hyderabad , Hyderabad, Telungana; Dr. Anupma
Harshal, Consultant (Science Communication & Outreach),
Manav-Human Atlas Initiative, Indian Institute of Science
Education and Research (IISER), Pune served as the Resource
- Biochemistry Association Activities (Symbion'2020) was
inaugurated by Dr. Karthikeyan Venkatachalam, Assistant
Professor, Department of Food Technology, Faculty of Innovative
Agriculture and Fisheries, Prince of Songkla University,
Thailand on 07.08.2020. He gave a special lecture on
'Biochemistry - The Backbone of Food Science and Technology'
during the occasion.
- As part of the Orientation Program for First year UG
Biochemistry Students, a Guest lecture
on "Scope and Career Prospects in Biochemistry - Alumni Talk"
was arranged on 27.08.2020 with Mr.Karthick Subramaniam
(Alumni), Scientist, Product and Process Development,
GlaxoSmithKline, United Kingdom as the Resource Person.
Ms. D. Anita, Assistant Professor, Department of English, KASC
presented a lecture on "Communicative English" and Dr. N.
Thilagavathi, Assistant Professor, Department of Chemistry,
Thiruvalluvar Govt. Arts College, Rasipuram gave a lecture on
"Joy of Learning Chemistry" on 28.08.2020 for the Orientation
- As part of Alumni Webinar Lecture Series, Ms. Indhira Kumaresan
(Alumni), Cosmetic Researcher and Fragrace Expert, Michigan, USA
gave a lecture on "Functional Biochemistry - Applied Strategies
in FMCG Industry" on 26.11.2020.
- Alumni Webinar Lecture Series was arranged on 03.12.2020 and Our
Alumni Dr.Arul.J.Duraisamy, Genomic Variant Analyst, PerkinElmer
Health Sciences Pvt.Ltd, Chennai gave a lecture on
"Mitochondrial DNA damage and its implications".
- Alumni Webinar Lecture Series was arranged on 12.12.2020 and Our
Alumni Mr. A. Pragadeeswaran, Mammalian Cell Culture upstream,
Biocon Research Ltd, Bangalore gave a lecture on "Bioprocess
Technology from the view of Biochemist".
- A Health Awareness Program on "RT-PCR COVID Testing Camp" in
association with Health Department was arranged for our college
faculty members on 27.01.2021.
- A Faculty Development Programme on "Learning Outcomes based
Curriculum Framework (LOCF)" was organized for our college staff
members on 20.02.2021 and Dr. M.G. Sethuraman, Professor,
Department of Chemistry served as a Resource Person.
- A One Day Workshop on "Microbiological Techniques" was conducted
for III B.Sc Biochemistry students on 23.02.2021 and Mr. A.
Krishnamoorthy (Alumni), Ms. M. Valarmathi, and Mr. A. Ajith,
Deepaa Micro Lab, Erode as technical person.
- Various students' competitions were conducted for Star
Department students on 01.03.2021 for National Science Day
- A One Day Hands on Workshop on "Vermicomposting" was arranged
for II B.Sc Biochemistry students on 12.03.2021 and Dr. S.
Jayachandran, Agricultural Officer, Tamil Nadu Agricultural
Department, Chennimalai and Mr. S. Ramesh, Agriculturist and
Vermicompost Trainer, Bhavani acted as technical persons.
- A Webinar Series on "Sustainable living the way forward for
Earth sake" was arranged on 19.03.2021 with Dr. Sulthan Ahmed
Ismail, Director (Former), Ecoscience, Research foundation,
Chennai as the Resource Person.
- A Tribal Welfare Programme was conducted at Kadambur as an
extension activity by our student Volunteers on 22.03.2021.
- A One Day Hands on Workshop on "Azolla Cultivation" was arranged
for II B.Sc Biochemistry students on 24.03.2021 and Mr. C.
Vijayan, Director, AIMS Agrovision, Salem acted as technical
- A Webinar Series on "Role of Life Sciences in Defence Sector"
was arranged on 27.03.2021 with Dr. S. Krishnakumar, Senior
Technical Officer, DRDO, Chennai as the Resource Person.
- A Faculty Improvement Programme (FIP) cum Hands on Workshop in
"Laboratory safety aspects" was arranged for our Non-Teaching
staff members of our college on 27.03.2021.
- A One Day Virtual National Seminar on "Nanotechnology and its
Applications" was organized by Departments of Biochemistry,
Biotechnology and Physics on 29.03.2021. Prof. R. Ramaraj, FNA.,
FASc., FNASc., Professor of Eminence & DAE Raja Ramanna Fellow
(Professor & Head (Retd.), Dept. of Physical Chemistry), School
of Chemistry, Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai; Dr. V.
Subramanian, FASc., FNASc., Chief Scientist & Head, Centre for
High Computing, CSIR - Central Leather Research Institute,
Adayar, Chennai and Dr. V. Veena, Assistant Professor,
Department of Biotechnology, Rava University, Bangalore served
as the Resource Persons.
- International Webinar Series on "Innovations and Intellectual
Property Rights" was arranged on 29.04.2021 with Dr.Anandrao
Bajirao Kakade, Dean, Research and Development, Rajarambapu
Institute of Technology, Sakharale, Mumbai as the Resource
- Biochemistry Department in collaboration with Institute of
Genomics and Integrative Biology, New Delhi participated in
"IndiGen Research Programme and arranged Blood sample collection
for Genome analysis" on 12.06.2019. On behalf of IGIB, Dr. K. R.
SIVAPRAKASH, Senior Scientist, CSIR – Our Biochemistry
Department represented the team for the programme led by the
- Induction Programme for I UG Biochemistry students was arranged
on 28.06.2019 and Dr. R. RAJENDRAN, Former Principal, PSG
College of Arts and Science, Coimbatore and Dr. R. PARVATHI,
Professor, Department of Mathematics, Vellalar College for
Women, Erode served as the Resource Persons.
- Blood group identification for all the first year Undergraduate
and Postgraduate students was done by the II B.Sc students of
our department under the Guidance of Ms. T. RADHA, Assistant
Professor in Biochemistry, on 12.07.2019.
- A Guest lecture for Biochemistry students on "Nitric Oxide- A
double edged Sword" was arranged with Dr. JAGANATHAN LAKSHMANAN,
Associate Professor, Department of Biochemistry, University of
Louisville, Kentucky, USA as the Resource person on 22.07.2019.
- Blood Group Identification Camp were done for School students at
Government Higher Secondary School, Kanagapuram, Erode by
Mr.S.Natarajan, Assistant Professor in Biochemistry and III B.Sc
students of our department on 30.07.2019.
- Blood Donation Camp in association with Lions Blood Bank Midtown
was organized by our department on 02.08.2019. 244 students
donated blood during the drive.
- An Intradepartment Competition "Express Impress - BioFlair 2019"
was conducted to showcase the students' talents both on
curricular and extracurricular aspects on 06.08.2019.
- Biochemistry Association (Symbion'2019) was inaugurated by Dr.
S. SUDHARSHAN, Associate Professor in Anatomy, Melaka Manipal
Medical College, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal,
Karnataka on 08.08.2019 and he gave a special lecture on "Memory
– From Brain Perspective" during the Program.
- As part of International Year of Periodic Table celebrations,
Quiz Competition for Star Department Students was conducted on
- A Guest lecture for Star Department students on 'Fundamentals of
Chemistry – Periodic table' was arranged with Dr. N. CHANDRA
SEKAR, Retired Professor, CBM College, Coimbatore and Dr. A.
CHANDRAMOHAN, Head, Department of Chemistry, Ramakrishna College
of Arts and Science College, Coimbatore as the Resource persons
on 19.08.2019.
- Final year UG Students and Staff members were visited the
Kodaikanal Observatory at Kodaikanal, Tamilnadu on 22.08.2019.
- Post Graduate Students and Staff members were visited the M/S.
Karnataka Soap & Detergents Ltd, Karnataka on 23.08.2019.
- Science Fest'19, an Interschool Science Exhibition was organized
on 27.08.2019.
- Our Department conducted One Day Workshop on "Soil Testing" in
association with Tamil Nadu Agriculture Department, Erode
District on 24.09.2019. Mrs. V. REVATHI, Assistant Agriculture
Officer, Tamil Nadu Agriculture Department, Erode District
served as a Resource person for this workshop.
- 27th National Children Science Congress in association with
Tamilnadu Science Forum was held on 04.11.2019. 107 Projects
were presented by School Students in this grand occasion.
- Our Department conducted an Awareness Programme on AIDS on
02.12.2019. Dr. B. ANAND, Family Counselor, St. Thomas
Charitable and Educational Trust, Perundurai, Erode as the
Resource person.
- A Guest lecture on "Job Oppurtunies in Health care sector" was
arranged with Mr. Syed Samiullah, Head Operation, Professional
Infotech, Coimbatore as the Resource persons on 06.12.2019.
- Star Departments conducted Motivational Talk on "Focus, Learn,
Grow and Enjoy" on 19.12.2019 for Star Department Students. Dr.
A. VELUMANI, Creator, Chairman, Managing Director and CEO,
Thyrocare, Mumbai as the Resource person.
- Undergraduate Students and Staff members were visited the
Central Leather Research Institute, Chennai, Tamilnadu on
- A Guest lecture on "Computational Chemistry" was arranged with
Dr. V. PERUMAL, Retired Associate Professor, Department of
Chemistry, Erode Arts and Science College, Erode as the Resource
persons on 21.01.2020.
- Blood Donation Camp in association with Lions club of Erode
Midtown and Tamil Nadu Voluntary Blood Bank and Research Centre,
Erode was organized by our Department on 30.01.2020. 324
students donated blood during the drive.
- Undergraduate Students and Staff members were visited the
Pasteur Institute, Connor, Tamilnadu on 03.02.2020.
- Faculty Improvement Programme cum Hands on Workshop in
"Laboratory Safety Aspects, Reagent Preparation and Maintenance
of Laboratory Instruments" for Non-Teaching Staff members was
held on 10.02.2020 to 11.02.2020 at NutriScience Research
Laboratory Pvt Ltd, Salem.
- Guest Lecture on "Training and Project Awareness in Scientific
Literature (Project – MANAV)" was arranged with Dr. Anupma
Harshal, Team – MANAV Indian Institute of Science Education and
Research (IISER), Pune, India as the Resource person on
- A One Day National Symposium on "Mitochondria in Health and
Disease" was organized by our Department on 21.02.2020. Dr.
K.THANGARAJ, Chief Scientist, Centre for Cellular and Molecular
Biology (CCMB), Hyderabad, Dr. SWASTI RAYCHAUDHURI, Centre for
Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB), Hyderabad and Dr.
P.GOVINDARAJ, Research Scientist, Institute of Bioinformatics,
- On the occasion of Teacher's Day, a Free Health Checkup (Blood
Sugar and Blood Pressure) for Teaching and Non-Teaching Staffs
was carried out by the Staff members of Biochemistry Department
on 05.07.2018.
- An OrientationProgramme for I B.Sc Bichemistry students were
arranged on 09.07.2018 and 10.07.2018.
- Blood group identification for all the first year Undergraduate
and Postgraduate students was done by the II B.Sc students of
our department on 19.07.2018
- An Intradepartment Competition "Express Impress BioFlair 2018"
was conducted to showcase the students' talents both on
curricular and extracurricular aspects on 01.08.2018.
- A Quiz Competition "Biobrainz 2018" was conducted for
Biochemistry students on 30.07.2018.
- Biochemistry Association (Symbion' 2018) was inaugurated by Mr.
R. Senthil Kumar, Senior Manager, Quality Control, Biological
E-limited, Hyderabad on 24.08.2018.
- Blood Donation Camp in association with Lions club of Erode,
Midtown was organized by our department on 21.08.2018. 180
students donated blood during the drive.
- An Educational Tour of Two Days Trip to Mysore was arranged for
Biochemistry students from 23.08.2018 to 24.08.2018 and the.
Students visited Karnataka Soaps and Detergents Ltd, Mysore.
- As part of Silver Jubilee Celebrations, Science Academics
Sponsored Two Day Lecture Workshop on "Recent Developments in
Biochemistry" by IASc., INSA. & NASI on 20.09.2018 & 21.09.2018
was organized by our Department and Dr. K. Veluthambi, FNA.
FASc. FNASc., Convener, Lecture Workshop, Professor (Retired),
INSA Senior Scientist, School of Biotechnology, Madurai Kamaraj
University, Madurai, Prof. B. J. Rao, Professor and Dean, Indian
Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER), Tirupati,
Dr. M. Raveendran, Ph.D, Professor, Centre for Plant Molecular
Biology (CPMB), Tamilnadu agricultural university, Coimbatore
and Dr. P. V. Shivaprasad, Ph.D, National Centre for Biological
Sciences tata institute of fundamental research (NCBS-TIFR),
Bangaluru served as Resource persons from various Central
Institutes across India honoured it with their presence and
delivered lectures on emerging trends in Biochemistry.
- APJ Journal Club Meet was conducted on 02.01.2019 and Research
Articles Presented by UG & PG Students of our department was
evaluated by Mr.G.Karthikeyan.
- Blood group identification and Blood Sugar Testing were done for
Public at Ezhumathur Government School, Erode by Mr.S.Natarajan,
Assistant Professor in Biochemistry and III B.Sc students of our
department on 25.02.2019.
- Blood Donation Camp was conducted on 30.01.2019 to mark the
occasion of Martyr's Day in association with Lions Club of
Erode, Midtown and Lions Club Erode, Metro. About 365 students
donated blood and Supreme Lions' Blood Bank, Erode, Erode
Government Hospital, Perundurai Medical College and Hospital
blood bank collected the blood units. On that occasion, Blood
group directory containing blood group details of Staff and
students of our Institution was released and Trend Setter awards
were given to honor and appreciate the blood donors who have
donated blood for three or more times.
- A Guest lecture for III B.Sc and II M.Sc Biochemistry students
on "Career Prospects in Pharma Industries" was arranged with Mr.
A. Pragadeeswaran (Alumni), Scientist, Biocon India Pvt Ltd as
the Resource person on 28.02.2019.
- Blood group identification for all the first year Undergraduate
and Postgraduate students was done by the II B.Sc students of
our Department on 19.06.2017.
- MoU with M/s SpinoS Life Science and Research Private Ltd,
Coimbatore and Biochemistry Department has been signed on
- Market Research Survey Study for Cavin Kare Pvt Ltd., Chennai
was conducted on 12.07.2017 and girl students from various
departments served as participants.
- An Intradepartment Competition "Express Impress BioFlair 2017"
was conducted to showcase the students' talents both on
curricular and extracurricular aspects on 04.08.2017.
- A Quiz Competition "Biobrainz 2017" was conducted for
Biochemistry students on 07.08.2017.
- Biochemistry Association (Symbion' 2017) was inaugurated by
Mr.M.Mohan Kumar, Process Trainer, Health Care Documentation
Services, US and Australian Medical Transcription iMedX
Information Services Pvt Ltd, Coimbatore on 08.08.2017.
- An Educational Tour of Two Day Trip to Cochin was arranged for
II B.Sc Biochemistry students and III B.Sc Biochemistry to
Mysore from 14.08.2017 to 15.08.2017 and 18.08.2017 to
20.08.2017 respectively. Students visited Central Institute of
Fisheries Technology, Cochin and Karnataka Soaps and Detergents
Ltd, Mysore.
- A Guest lecture for III B.Sc and II M.Sc Biochemistry students
on "Nutraceutical and Functional Foods" was arranged with
Dr.Palanivel Ganesan, Assistant Professor, Nanotechnology
Research Center, Department of Applied Life Sciences, Konkuk
University, Global Campus, Korea as Resource person on
- Blood Donation Camp in association with Lions club of Erode,
Midtown was organized by our Department on 18.08.2016. 135
students donated blood during the drive.
- On the eve of Teacher's Day Celebration, a Free Health Checkup
(Blood Sugar and Blood Pressure) for Teaching and Non-Teaching
Staffs was carried out by the Staff members of Biochemistry
Department on 09.09.2017.
- Blood group identification for Sengulam Government School,
Sengulam, Anthiyur was done by Mr.G.Karthikeyan, Assistant
Professor in Biochemistry and II B.Sc students of our department
on 15.12.2017.
- APJ Journal Club Meet was conducted on 08.01.2018 and Research
Articles Presented by UG & PG Students of our department was
evaluated by Mr.G.Karthikeyan.
- Blood group identification for Avalpoondurai Middle School,
Erode was done by Mr.S.Natarajan, Assistant Professor in
Biochemistry and III B.Sc students of our department on
- Blood Donation Camp was conducted on 30.01.2018 to mark the
occasion of Martyr's Day in association with Lions Club of
Erode, Midtown and Lions Club Erode, Metro. About 270 students
donated blood and Supreme Lions' Blood Bank, Erode, Erode
Government Hospital, Perundurai Medical College and Hospital
blood bank collected the blood units. On that occasion, Blood
group directory containing blood group details of Staff and
students of our Institution was released and Trend Setter awards
were given to honor and appreciate the blood donors who have
donated blood for three or more times.
- Two-Day Workshop on "Biostatistical Analysis on Biological
Research" was organized by our department for the benefit of PG
students and Research scholars on 01.02.2018 & 02.02.2018. Dr.
R. Parvathi, Associate Professor and Head, Department of
Mathematics, Vellalar College for Women, Erode and Dr. G. Sudha,
Associate Professor and Head i/c, Department of Biochemistry,
Periyar University, Salem served as Resource person. 54
participants from various colleges attended the workshop.
- A Personality Development Programme for III UG Students
Biochemistry Students was organized with Mr. Jaya Murugan,
President Tamilnadu Science Forum, Salem as resource person on
Specialization |
Plant Biochemistry |
Email Address |
vidhya_ak@hotmail.com |
Blood Group |
A1 +ve |
Experience |
Teaching: 28 Years |
Industrial: Year |
No. of M.Phil & Ph.Ds Produced |
M.Phil: 8 |
Ph.D: 5 |
Membership |
- Society for Mitochondrial Research and
Medicine (SMRM)- India
- Society of Biotechnologists (INDIA)
- Tamilnadu Science Forum
State |
National |
International |
No of Seminar/Workshops Organized |
1 |
15 |
- |
No of
Seminar/Workshops/ Orientation/Refresher/ Conference
Attended |
1 |
24 |
5 |
No of Papers Presented |
5 |
25 |
6 |
No of Funded Projects Undertaken |
- UGC MRP -01
- DBT Star College Scheme – 01
- TNSCST -01
No of Books Published |
- Book chapter- 01
- Articles in Magazines - 07
Publications |
National Journals: 2 |
International Journals: 13 |
Awards |
- Received Millineum Scientist Award 2020 from
Vivekanandha Institutions ,
Tiruchengode(March 2020)
- Received Best Teacher Award for Excellence
in Education from Lions club International,
Erode for the academic year 2016-2017 and
Specialization |
Pharmaceutical Biochemistry |
Email Address |
rasu_kr_bio@yahoo.co.in |
Blood Group |
B +ve |
Experience |
Teaching: 29 Years |
Industrial: Years |
No. of M.Phil & Ph.Ds Produced |
M.Phil: 8 |
Ph.D: |
Membership |
Life Membership in "The Indian Science
Congress Association" |
State |
National |
International |
No of Seminar/Workshops Organized |
- |
- |
- |
No of
Seminar/Workshops/ Orientation/Refresher/ Conference
Attended |
25 |
4 |
1 |
No of Papers Presented |
1 |
1 |
3 |
No of Funded Projects Undertaken |
No of Books Published |
Publications |
National Journals: |
International Journals: 3 |
Awards |
Specialization |
Clinical Biochemistry |
Email Address |
natarajansundaresan0@gmail.com |
Blood Group |
O +ve |
Experience |
Teaching: 29 Years |
Industrial: Years |
No. of M.Phil & Ph.Ds Produced |
M.Phil: 5 |
Ph.D: |
Membership |
State |
National |
International |
No of Seminar/Workshops Organized |
- |
- |
- |
No of
Seminar/Workshops/ Orientation/Refresher/ Conference
Attended |
- |
6 |
6 |
No of Papers Presented |
2 |
3 |
1 |
No of Funded Projects Undertaken |
No of Books Published |
Publications |
National Journals: |
International Journals: |
Awards |
Specialization |
Nanotechnology |
Email Address |
sangeeth_2010@yahoo.co.in |
Blood Group |
B +ve |
Experience |
Teaching: 20 Years |
Industrial: Years |
No. of M.Phil & Ph.Ds Produced |
M.Phil: |
Ph.D: 3(Pursuing) |
Membership |
State |
National |
International |
No of Seminar/Workshops Organized |
- |
- |
- |
No of
Seminar/Workshops/ Orientation/Refresher/ Conference
Attended |
11 |
15 |
5 |
No of Papers Presented |
- |
12 |
5 |
No of Funded Projects Undertaken |
- |
No of Books Published |
- |
Publications |
National Journals: 3 |
International Journals: 10 |
Awards |
- Received Best Teacher Award for Excellence
in Education from Lions club International,
Erode in January, 2010.
Specialization |
Plant Biochemistry |
Email Address |
gkarthi2050@gmail.com |
Blood Group |
B +ve |
Experience |
Teaching: 9 Years |
Industrial: |
No. of M.Phil & Ph.Ds Produced |
M.Phil: |
Ph.D: |
Membership |
State |
National |
International |
No of Seminar/Workshops Organized |
1 |
2 |
No of
Seminar/Workshops/ Orientation/Refresher/ Conference
Attended |
15 |
14 |
6 |
No of Papers Presented |
- |
4 |
9 |
No of Funded Projects Undertaken |
No of Books Published |
Publications |
National Journals: |
International Journals: 12 |
Awards |
Specialization |
Nutritional Biochemistry |
Email Address |
nagulan454@gmail.com |
Blood Group |
O +ve |
Experience |
Teaching: 3 Years |
Industrial: 1 Year |
No. of M.Phil & Ph.Ds Produced |
M.Phil: |
Ph.D: |
Membership |
State |
National |
International |
No of Seminar/Workshops Organized |
1 |
- |
- |
No of
Seminar/Workshops/ Orientation/Refresher/ Conference
Attended |
- |
4 |
- |
No of Papers Presented |
- |
1 |
- |
No of Funded Projects Undertaken |
No of Books Published |
Publications |
National Journals: |
International Journals: 1 |
Awards |
Specialization |
Clinical Toxicology |
Email Address |
kousiviswa@gmail.com |
Blood Group |
A2 +ve |
Experience |
Teaching: 11 Years 5 Months |
Industrial: |
No. of M.Phil & Ph.Ds Produced |
M.Phil: 12 |
Ph.D: |
Membership |
Board of studies member in Biochemistry (PG) at Bharathiar university from 01.01.2022 to 31.12.2023 |
State |
National |
International |
No of Seminar/Workshops Organized |
- |
- |
- |
No of
Seminar/Workshops/ Orientation/Refresher/ Conference
Attended |
43 |
34 |
27 |
No of Papers Presented |
- |
6 |
9 |
No of Funded Projects Undertaken |
No of Books Published |
Book chapter- 02 |
Publications |
National Journals: 2 |
International Journals: 7 |
Awards |
Senior Scientist,
CSIR –Institute of Genomics and
Integrative Biology (IGIB),
New Delhi
Batch: 1995 - 1998
Senior Clinical Embryologist,
Batch: 1995 - 1998
Research Scientist,
Batch: 1995 - 1998
Senior Scientist,
CSIR –Institute of Toxicology Research Lucknow,
Uttar Pradesh
Batch: 1996 - 1999
Associate Director,
Batch: 1997 - 2000
Associate Professor,
Department of Anatomy,
American University of Antigua College of Medicine,
Batch: 1996 - 1999
Trainer - Medical Records,
Management and Medical Summarisation AQuity Solutions India,
Batch: 1996 - 1999
Deputy General Manager- QC,
Zydus Cadilahealth Care Ltd,
Batch: 1997 - 2000
Assistant Professor,
Department of Biotechnology,
Gauhati University,
Batch: 1997 - 2000
Scientist IV,
Centre for DNA Fingerprinting and Diagnostics,
Batch: 2001 - 2004
Industrial Cooperative Officer,
Department of Industries and commerce,
Govt. of Tamilnadu,
Batch: 2001 - 2006
Regional Sales Manager,
AbbVie for Eyecare Business,
Batch: 2003 - 2008
Al-Khumasia Company Feed and Animals Product,
Dammam Saudi Arabia
Batch: 2003 - 2008
Product and Process Development,
United Kingdom
Batch: 2004 - 2007
Senior Consultant,
Data analytics,
Batch: 2004 - 2007
Deepaa Micro Lab,
Batch: 2004 - 2006
Village Administrative Officer,
Batch: 2004 - 2006
Team Manager,
Cognizant Technology Solutions,
Batch: 2006 - 2008
Associate Professor,
Department of Food Technology,
Faculty of Science and Industrial Technology,
Prince of Songkla University,
Batch: 2005 - 2007
Associate Scientist,
Turnstone Biologics,
United States
Batch: 2005 - 2007
Dr.Reddy’s Laboratories,
Batch: 2013 - 2018
Research Associate III,
CuraTeQ Biologics,
Batch: 2013 - 2018
Safety Science Coordinator 1,
Batch: 2016 - 2021
Omnicell Rollout & Implementation support,
KCH Business Park,
Batch: 2018 - 2021